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Early Years Evaluation - Direct Assessment (Anglophone Sector)

Holding Name: Early Years Evaluation - Direct Assessment (Anglophone Sector)
Year(s): 2016-2019
Dataset Number: ED03a
Data Provider: Education and Early Childhood Development
Category(s): Education

Data Description

Early Years Evaluation Direct Assessment (EYE-DA) results measure a child’s readiness to enter the education system. Included are measurements of a child’s awareness of self and environment, cognitive skills, language and communication skills, physical development, and fine and gross motor skills. The administration of the EYE-DA takes about 45 minutes per child and is scored using three colour codes:

  • Green, denoting appropriate development,
  • Yellow, experiencing some difficulty, and
  • Red, experiencing significant difficulty.

The scoring takes into account a child’s age at the time of assessment and is ideally suited for children aged 3 to 5 years. More comprehensive information on the structure and administration of the EYE-DA is available through the EYE-DA website.

The Early Years Evaluation (Anglophone Sector) database represents the EYE-DA results for the Anglophone Sector of school districts in New Brunswick. The Francophone Sector of school districts in is represented in the Early Years Evaluation (Francophone Sector) database.