Carleton Hall 132
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Jacqueline Low is a Full Professor and has been a member of the sociology faculty at UNB since July 1, 2001. She is Director of Undergraduate Studies in Sociology at UNB and Associate Editor of the international journal Symbolic Interaction. She currently teaches courses on chronic illness and disability; sociology of the body; sociology of health and health care; and social problems; as well as a graduate seminar in qualitative methods.
Her areas of research and supervision specialization include health, health care, and health policy; alternative and complementary therapy; chronic illness and disability; deviance and social problems; sociology of the body; home care and home support; qualitative research methods; symbolic interactionist theory; and the Chicago School of Sociology.
Low, J. and Hyslop-Margison. (2021). Kathy Charmaz: Theory, Method, and Scholarly Identity, Symbolic Interaction, 44(3): 632-664. DOI: 10.1002/SYMB.551.
Low, J. and Thompson, L. (2021). Symbolic Interactionism and the Myth of Astructural Bias: A Textual Defence and Illustrative Advice. The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 46(2):97-119.
Low, J. (2020). Stigma Management as Celebration: Disability, Difference, and the Marketing of Diversity, Visual Studies. 35(4):347-358.
Low, J, (2019). Unstructured and Semi-Structured Interviews in Health Research. In M. Saks and J. Allsop (Eds.) Researching Health: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods, London: Sage Publications, 3rd ed., Pp. 123-141.
Low, J. (2019). A Pragmatic Definition of the Concept of Theoretical Saturation. Sociological Focus, 52(2):131-139.
Low, J. and Bowden, G. (2016). Everett C. Hughes: A Key Figure of the Chicago School Diaspora. In Rick Helms-Hayes, and Marco Santoro (Eds.) The Anthem Companion to Everett C. Hughes. London: Anthem Press, pp.115-131.
Malacrida, C. and Low, J. (2016). Sociology of the Body: A Reader, 2nd Ed. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press.
Low, J. and Bowden, G. (2013). The Chicago School Diaspora: Epistemology and Substance. McGill-Queens University Press.
Please contact me to discuss possible supervision for undergraduate, MA, and PhD research projects.