Faculty of Kinesiology Thesis Oral Examination - Master of Science in Kinesiology - Bharat Kant-FR

Event Date(s):
April 30, 2021
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Both Campuses

Event Details:

The Thesis titled, "Cognitive and Physical Demands of Using Ergonomic Remote Spinner Knobs" will be defended by Bharat Kant Via Teams (Click here to join the meeting.)
All are Welcome.

ABSTRACT:  Six paraplegic participants performance three different diving trials using three RSKs (Spinner Knob, Claw, Joystick). The participants’ biomechanical and neuromuscular responses were recorded using electromyography (EMG); near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS); pressure mats; galvanic skin receptors (EDA); heart rate (HR) monitor; and questionnaires subjective discomfort data (ratings of perceived discomfort- RPD) and workload NASA TLX for each collection period. The comparison of the 3 RSKs was done using a non-parametric Wilcoxon sign-rank test. To help control for Type 1 error, a Bonferroni correction was performed, setting the alpha level to p< 0.016. The study suggested that the each RSK has their strength and weakness, but the joystick (most neutral grip and easier layout) outperformed the other two RSKs.

Building: Teams Meeting


Leslie Harquail