- Dr. Althea Warren Macaulay CFUW Fredericton Scholarship
- Dr. S.M. Guma Fellowship
- Dr. Wu Yee-sun and Mrs. Wu Ho Man-yuen Memorial Graduate Bursary
- Governor General Gold Medal
- Lambda Foundation Christian Landry Memorial Award for Graduate Studies
- Maecenas Graduate Scholarship
- Magee-Third Century Postgraduate Merit Awards
- Pam and John Little Overseas Scholarship
- Dr. William S. Lewis Doctoral Fellowships
- The Presidents Doctoral Tuition Award
- Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Awards
- UNB Associated Alumnae Travel Award
- SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) - Master
- SSHRC Doctoral Scholarships
- Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
- Social Innovation Scholarships - New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF)
- New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF) Student Health Research Award
- School of Graduate Studies Merit Award
- Dean
- Joe and Deb Owens Bursary
- Sir Howard Douglas Gold Medal
- UNB Environmental Studies Graduate Scholarship
- Barney Danson Fellowship
- SGS Doctoral Recruitment Award
- 3 Minute Thesis Grand Prize
- Geoff Flood Atlantic Big Data Congress Scholarship
- Thom McKenzie Graduate Scholarship
- Dean's Medal of Merit