MEM Report Presentation of Eleanor Gallant -FR

Event Date(s): December 16, 2020
Time(s): 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Category: Other
Location: Fredericton

Event Details

MEM Report Presentation of Eleanor Gallant will be held:

Wednesday, December 16th,  2020 at 10:00am
Via Microsoft Teams -JOIN NOW

Report Presentation Chaired By: Dr. T. Beckley, FOREM

Supervisor(s): Dr. B. Leblon, FOREM

Dr. A. LaRocque, FOREM

Ms. A. Douglas, Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Coalition on Sustainability/HRA-FOREM

Report Title:  Eelgrass Mapping with Sentinel-2 and UAV Data in Prince Edward Island (Canada)

Abstract: Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) is a marine angiosperm that grows throughout coastal regions in Atlantic Canada. Eelgrass beds provide a variety of important ecosystem services, and while it is considered an important marine species, little research has been done to understand its distribution, health, and location within Atlantic Canada. The purpose of this study was to assess the capability of Sentinel-2 and UAV imagery to map the presence of eelgrass beds within the Souris River in Prince Edward Island. The imagery was classified using a non-parametric Random Forest classifier and then validated using sonar data. The Sentinel-2 classified image had a lower validation accuracy at 77.66%, while the UAV classified image had a validation accuracy of 90.86%. The study also presents the limitations within it. 

Building: MSTeams

Contact: Faith Sharpe
1 506 453 4901