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Associated Alumni

UNBeknownst Podcast Episode 25: John Leroux on what it means to love a place and why architecture and art are so important in attracting and inspiring people

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Chris Gruenwald (BSF’04) is managing a community forest of the past and future

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New grad Niomi Monteiro (BBA'22) finds employment at JDI after co-op experiential learning

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UNBeknownst Podcast Episode 24: Krista Jones on the future of work, the intersection of people with digital transformation, and how Canada can be competitive globally

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SIF alum Sean McNulty (BBA’07) found success through being unique and building relationships

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Mary Goggin (BScCS’82) built an outstanding IT career at home in New Brunswick

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Sweat Club founder Laura Clendenning (BScKin'12) helps people fall in love with their health and fitness

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Media Arts and Cultures alumni share their success

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Lynette DuJohn (BScCE’87) brings digital twin project to life at Vancouver International Airport

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