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News from the UNB President’s Office


Paul Mazerolle installed as next president

Paul J. Mazerolle was officially installed as UNB’s 19th president and vice-chancellor during Convocation in Fredericton on Oct. 17 at The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER. The installation included the official swearing in of Dr. Mazerolle by the Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Brenda Murphy, as well as the official robing. The installation was confirmed at the Saint John ceremony on Oct. 18 at the Imperial Theatre.

Before coming to UNB, Dr. Mazerolle was pro vice-chancellor of arts, education and law and the director of the violence research and prevention program at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia. His teaching and research have been recognized internationally with several awards and extensive citations. Dr. Mazerolle obtained his bachelor of arts in sociology from UNB (1989). He completed a master’s degree in criminal justice at Northeastern University (1990) and his PhD in criminology at the University of Maryland (1995).


Strategic Planning

UNB is in the final stage of its strategic planning process.

Over the course of the process, more than 2,000 people submitted feedback on the strategic plan through direct consultation with the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, community conversation sessions held on both campuses and the strategic plan survey. The final strategic vision, UNB Toward 2030, has been informed by this feedback and will be available to the community in late February.


2018-2019 Annual Report

Here at UNB, we pride ourselves on our strong sense of community and the commitment shown to our institution and its purpose, demonstrated in our recently released 2018-19 Annual Report.

This collection of stories spotlights just some of the incredible accomplishments of UNB’s students, faculty, staff and alumni over the past year. These highlights demonstrate the valuable role that our institution has in a world experiencing significant, rapid change. From research tackling global challenges to work promoting positive change within our local communities, the achievements of members of the UNB community have been both remarkable and numerous.

Please take some time to read a few of our stories in the 2018-2019 Annual Report as an illustration of the impact we’re making in New Brunswick, in Canada and around the world.