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Associated Alumni

Alumni e-services

Account management

In order to access your alumni account you will need to know your UNB Login ID (your old student login id) and password. If you're a recent graduate then you already have an alumni account, so just keep using your old student login ID and password.

If you don't know your UNB login ID, you can look it up with your alumni ID (your old student number), your first and last names, and your birth date.

Once you know your login ID, you may use the following links to manage your alumni account.

Alumni ID number

You need to know your alumni ID number to gain access to the initial sign-on screen for your alumni email service and library services. This is to confirm your status as a UNB alumnus/a.

Note: For graduates from 1968 onward, your alumni ID number is your student ID number. Please note that your old student login ID in the format x1y2z3 is not your student or alumni ID number (this is your UNB Login ID).

If you can't remember your ID number, email us with your name and degree/year and the appropriate information will be sent back to you.