Certificate in Management Essentials | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

About CME

The online Certificate in Management Essentials (CME) provides the skills you need to be the most complete supervisor, manager or leader of people you can be. This program is completely online and self-paced so you can stay competitive regardless of your location and schedule. Designed by subject matter experts, the curriculum has been reviewed and approved by the University of New Brunswick Senate.

CME is a convenient way to gain the essential skills necessary to enter into and succeed in a management/supervisory career. It is also a cost-effective way for employers to develop their people.

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CME Assessment Tools

One of the advantages of the CME program is the assessment tools built into the courses.


To help you determine where your current management and leadership abilities stand (and which electives you may want to select), each student is encouraged to complete the Management Essentials Competency Assessment (MECA).

This competency assessment evaluates your current confidence level across the management competencies covered in the 18 courses available through the CME program. The results provide a global benchmark of your management skills. Upon completion of the assessment, you will get a printable report of your self-evaluation that will assist you in your course selection. Once you complete the CME program, you can redo the assessment to help measure your progress and support you in developing your future learning plan.

We suggest that you share your assessment results with your manager and/or HR. It is not uncommon for self-raters to under- or over-estimate skills sets, so a third party who knows you can assist in uncovering blind spots. This tool can help align your professional development with your organization’s performance management framework.

If you already have some management skills, you can customize this program to focus on your skills and knowledge gaps by taking individual courses instead of the entire certificate.


The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) Assessment tool is used in the CCME 1000/MGT 2000 course, Leading from Within. This tool measures how you behave in day-to-day life when you are at your best. This assessment raises your level of self-awareness by highlighting specific areas of strengths and weaknesses and offer suggestions to help you guide your career and become a better manager.

The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) tool is used in the CCME 1003/MGT 2003 course, Leadership vs. Management. This tool measures 11 patterns of interpersonal behavior that tend to appear when you are stressed, tired, or distracted. The HDS highlights these tendencies so that they can be better managed.

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Prerequisites for CME

There are no prerequisites for this program. It's open to everyone.

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Why CME?

Today's employers want team members who are good at their jobs, and that means you. But a lack of necessary skills or experience may cause them to look elsewhere. UNB's CME program can help give you the skills you need to manage effectively and provide you with a competitive edge.

For employees

  • Increase your opportunity to break into or advance in your management career
  • Learn real-world skills, techniques, and processes that you can apply in any supervisor or manager position
  • Gain the insight needed to effectively and efficiently facilitate people and processes within any organization
  • Set yourself apart from the competition

For organizations

  • Increase the knowledge base of existing managers or provide development for promising non-managerial employees
  • Develop an effective performance management process aligning the individual's efforts with your organization's goals
  • Facilitate and support the employee, providing tools to help identify gaps, create a learning plan, and review progress
  • Retain top performers
  • Address the individual's needs and reinforce themes and core competencies required by the organization

Dr. Bill Howatt

CEO & Founder of Howatt HR
Ph.D, Ed.D., Post Doc UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behaviour

Dr. Bill Howatt is the founder of Howatt Human Resources Consulting and an international expert in Workplace Psychological Health and Safety.

He is a highly sought-after speaker on leadership, mental fitness, and creating inclusive, psychologically healthy and safe workplaces. A behavioural scientist, he is passionate about supporting employees and leaders to create thriving workplaces.

Dr. Bill's 30-plus years of professional experience includes providing services in clinicalmental health, teaching courses for colleges and universities, being a committee chair, and filling various senior leadership roles in Canada and the United States, including the Wall Street financial district. His firm provides HR consulting globally, focusing onemployees' psychological safety.

Dr. Bill has published over 60 books and 600 articles and regularly contributes to workplace mental health research like WSPS Moving to Action: Implementing Workplace Safety and Prevention Services' Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap, and Boston Consulting Group's recent study, The Next Frontier of Workplace Culture, viewed by over 30 million readers.

He is the founder of www.MFIQinc.com and creator of the University New Brunswick's Certificate in Psychologically Safe Leadership (CPSL). He publishes a weekly workplace mental health newsletter for leaders and workers called Exploring Workplace Mental Health.

Access our information session

We are currently offering a pre-recorded online information session, free of charge. To receive a link to this video, please click the red button that says "Get access now" and submit your name and email.

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CME Pricing

You have the option to pay course by course at a cost of $295 per course (No HST) or you can pay for the entire program upfront for $2,950 (No HST). There are no additional fees or textbooks required.

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How to register for CME

The CME program is open entry, which means you can register and start the program at any time. If you choose to take the entire program and complete the requirements of the certificate, it is preferable to take the required courses in sequential order.

Register now!

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CME Sponsorship

In order to send a formal invoice to your sponsor, please have your sponsor fax or email a copy of your PO to our office. The PO must have the following information:

  • Student's name
  • Course name
  • Payment amount (payment options: $295/course or $2,950/program)
  • Sponsor's mailing address
  • Sponsor's contact phone number

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Sponsorship registration for CME

If you have a sponsor, please register using the following steps:

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