Seniors have better healthcare thanks to technology developed at UNB | UNB is here | UNB

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Seniors have better healthcare thanks to technology developed at UNB

Dr. Erik Scheme

Researchers at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) have developed a tool that will reduce the stress on seniors and their families.

This will enable family members to keep track of a loved one’s health and use that data to show when they are in decline.

Developed by a team led by associate professor, Dr. Erik Scheme, Proactive Integrated Technology-Enabled Patient-Centric Healthcare (PITCH) is a data-gathering-and-analysis platform that uses machine learning to predict negative-health outcomes before they happen.

Building better lives for New Brunswickers

Through his previous research at UNB, Scheme recognized the need for a fully proactive solution to senior healthcare. He wanted to find solutions with the goal of keeping more New Brunswick seniors independent and healthy while avoiding frequent doctor and emergency room visits.

“The goal for PITCH is to not only track health outcomes in the seniors’ communities but also schedule specific caregivers to do regular check-ins,” said Scheme. “This is a system where a caregiver will conduct weekly assessments using the platform to ensure the correct health information is recorded and to prevent emergencies before they happen.”

Keeping seniors healthy at home requires holistic perspectives

Tracking health with validated technology makes a big difference in the lives of seniors and helps ease the burden on the healthcare system. The various toolkits of the PITCH platform, such as blood pressure cuffs, smart scales and balance apps, give caregivers the necessary tools required to augment care and find helpful solutions.

Partnerships lead workforce development

Plans for PITCH include partnering with local community colleges to lead workforce development and training for personal support workers. To help store and keep their data secure, PITCH also works with potential partners to unlock the potential in digital healthcare. PITCH’s proactive approach will change the face of healthcare across the province.