The Gregg Centre's faculty team includes scholars from across UNB and beyond, bound together by complementary research on war and society, and modern security forces. We are united in the view that research drives good teaching.
The Gregg Centre's faculty team includes scholars from across UNB and beyond, bound together by complementary research on war and society, and modern security forces. We are united in the view that research drives good teaching and teaching, through the development of good questions of inquiry, drives good research.
Dr. Jason Bell is associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at UNB Fredericton.
Jason’s current research and teaching focuses on:
Dr. Cindy Brown is a Research Associate with the Department of History at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton) and the Executive Director of the Gregg Centre. Her research focuses on the relationship(s) between civilian and soldier and the impact of conflict on civilian non-combatants.
Her doctoral research focused on these questions in Italy during the Second World War and connects those ideas from the past into present across the twentieth century, most recently as a co-investigator on a SSHRC-funded project (with Western Ontario) called “Long-term housing outcomes of under-housed Syrian refugees” that seeks to understand the challenges faced by government assisted Syrian refugees in finding suitable housing.
Cheryl Fury is a Professor of British and European History at the University of New Brunswick (Saint John). Her research focuses on the social history of 16th and 17th century English sailors and she is particularly interested in the impact of war on seafarers and their families. She has 3 books and numerous articles on early modern seafarers. She is currently working on a SSHRC-funded project on the relationship between diet, disease and disorder in the early English East India Company.
She is passionate about Holocaust Education and has worked with Vera Schiff, a Holocaust survivor, on several publications.
Dr. Wendy Churchill (Early Modern Britain and its Empire; Social History of Medicine; Early Modern Atlantic World; Early Modern Women's and Gender History) received her Ph.D. in History from McMaster University in 2005.
Nancy Day is the Gregg Centre Office Manager. She joined us in September, 2020 in the midst of the Pandemic, bringing 19 years of experience in the legal field. We make full use of her organizational capability as our "Chief of Staff" linking our UNB office with partners in Base Gagetown and team members in Ontario and across the globe. Nancy is central to our operational planning, project management, reporting, and budgeting in addition to being our master event organizer. To help make it all happen she coordinates and mentors our large team of student researchers.
Nancy serves as the front face of our office and encourages you to reach out to her with inquiries or to connect with members of our team.
Dr. Lynne Gouliquer is an associate professor in the School of Social Sciences at Laurentian University and an adjunct professor in the Psychology department at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton).
Lynne is a proud Métis of the North West Angle Treaty Three, a 16-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and a survivor of the LGBT Purge Campaign. She is also a co-founding director of the Psycho-Social Ethnography of the Common Place (P-SEC) multidisciplinary research group and methodology alongside Dr. Carmen Poulin (UNB Fredericton).
She has conducted qualitative interdisciplinary research for nearly thirty years studying various institutions like the Canadian military, firefighting, and Métis organizations; and the marginalized people these institutions involve such as women military members, LGBTQIA2S+ military members and their partners, women firefighters, and easterly Métis peoples.
Her research is grounded in an intersectional, feminist, two-eyed seeing understanding of reality. It focuses on the influence of social institutions on the lives of women and marginalized individuals and seeks to bring about positive changes for them.
Lynne was part of the We Demand An Apology Network. This network brought together academics, activists and LGBT Purge survivors from across Canada and their collective work led to the official apology given by the Trudeau government in November of 2017.
Dr. Lynne Gouliquer and Carmen Poulin continue to help Purge survivors and to provide educational presentations regarding the history and effects of the Purge campaign.
Their research has been instrumental in the LGBT Purge class action settlement and helps inform the exhibitions created by the LGBT Purge Fund and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
Their current research with 2SLGBTQIA+ military members and their partners seeks to bring about further social justice changes within the Canadian military. Relevant Publications:
Gouliquer, L., Poulin, C., Moore, A., & Longobardi, H. (2022). Pictures tell a story: Diversity and inclusion on the National CFMWS website. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 8 (s1). e20210084.
Wood, D., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2022). Feminist military veteran and LGBT+ purge survivor. In M. Eichler, T. Moniz, and R. Green (Eds.), Community stories of war and peace 30-35. Halifax, NS: Nimbus Publishing Ltd.
Gouliquer, L., Poulin, C., & Moore, J. (2018). A threat to Canadian national security: A lesbian soldier’s story. Qualitative Research in Psychology.
Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., & McCutcheon, J. (2018). Violating gender norms in the Canadian military: The experiences of gay and lesbian soldiers. Journal of Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 15 (1), 60-73).
Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2012). Clandestine existences and secret research: Eliminating official discrimination in the Canadian military and going public in academia. Journal of Lesbian Studies,16(1), 54-64
Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., & Moore, J. (2009). Discharged for homosexuality from the Canadian military: Health implications for lesbians. Feminism & Psychology, 19(4) 497-516.
Moore, J. A., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2009). Partners of Canadian lesbian soldiers: Examining the military family social support system. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 50 (2a), 99.
Moore, J. A., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2008). Banned from serving: The affect of anti- homosexual laws on Canadian military women. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie Canadienne, 49(2a), 270 - 271.
St. Pierre, M., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2005). Homosexual identity development in the context of the Canadian Forces: Organisational influences, schematic responses, and coping strategies. Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie canadienne, 46(2a), 200
Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2005). For better and for worse: Psychological demands and structural impacts of the military on gay servicewomen and their partners in long-term relationships. In D. Pawluch, W. Shaffir & C. Miall (Eds.), Doing ethnography: Studying everyday life. (pp. 323-335). Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc.
Roxborough, H., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2004). Discriminatory practices: Lesbian military members and their partners’ health. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 45(2a), 136.
Gouliquer, L. (2012). Examining the life world of Canadian female soldiers: The effects of blatant and subtle discrimination. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 53(2a), 23.
McCutcheon, J., Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2009). Sports and soldiering: Examining servicewomen’s experiences with military sports. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 50(2a), 41.
Gouliquer, L. (2001). Introduction: Women and the Canadian military special collection. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, 26(1).
Gouliquer, L. (2001). What gay servicewomen can tell us about the gender order. Feminism(s) Challenge the Traditional Disciplines (MCRTW Monograph Series No. 1). McGill University, Montréal, Québec: McGill Centre for Research on Teaching and Women.
Gouliquer, L. (2000). Negotiating sexuality: Lesbians in the Canadian military. In B. Miedema, J. Stoppard, & V. Anderson (Eds.), Women’s Bodies/Women’s Lives: The Social and the Material (pp 254-276). Toronto: Sumach Press.
Suzanne Hindmarch's research sits at the intersection of international relations, critical security studies, and global public health.
Dr. David Hofmann is an associate professor in the department of Sociology. He holds a BA (Honours History) from the University of Western Ontario, an M.Sc. (Criminology) from the Université de Montréal, and a Ph.D. (Sociology) from the University of Waterloo. He is a senior research affiliate with the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS), and a research fellow with the Muriel McQueen Centre for Family Violence Research, and the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity.
Dr. Hofmann’s current research interests are focused on five broad areas:
He is a mixed methodologist, with a particular interest in social network analysis. His most recent work has focused on leadership in terrorist and criminal organizations, and has been published in scholarly journals such as Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Terrorism and Political Violence, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, Global Crime, and the Journal of Strategic Security.
He teaches the following courses related to war and society:
Gregory Kennedy is Associate Professor of History and Research Director of the Institut d’études acadiennes at the Université de Moncton. He is a specialist of Acadia and New France, with a focus on social, environmental, and military history in the French Atlantic.
His first book, Something of a Peasant Paradise? Comparing Rural Societies in Acadie and the Loudunais, 1604-1755 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014), was awarded the Canadian Historical Association’s Clio Prize for the best new scholarly monograph on the Atlantic region. He is currently working on a book manuscript Lost in the Crowd:The Soldiers of the Acadian Battalion and their Post-War Transition, 1911-1921.
He is also conducting new research into the military history of the French Atlantic, notably on militias and other forms of compulsory military service in the eighteenth century. He is the principal investigator for the SSHRC funded research project Military Service, Citizenship, and Political Culture in Atlantic Canada in partnership with Lee Windsor and Elizabeth Mancke at the University of New Brunswick.
He is also the co-director of the interdisciplinary project, Repenser l’Acadie dans le monde, in collaboration with Clint Bruce of the Université Sainte-Anne. Finally, he is one of several co-researchers for the large SSHRC-funded partnership project headed by Yves Frenette at the Université Saint-Boniface called Trois siècles de migrations francophones en Amérique du Nord (1640-1940).
Sean Kennedy is a Professor of History at UNB. He is interested in far-right political movements, political violence, policing, and civilian experiences in wartime. He is the author of Reconciling France against Democracy: The Croix de Feu, the Parti Social Francais, and French Politics, 1927-1945 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007) and The Shock of War: Civilian Experiences, 1937-1945 (CHA/University of Toronto Press, 2011), as well as several articles and book chapters. His current research focuses upon policing the French home front during the First World War and its aftermath. His teaching includes courses on the Cold War, European Imperialism, fascism, and the history of terrorism.
David Matyas is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of New Brunswick and Gates Scholar at the University of Cambridge and Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, where he is completing his PhD.
David's research focuses on the laws of humanitarian assistance and disaster law. His research draws on mixed-method approaches to put doctrinal analysis in conversation with practitioner perspectives. His writing has appeared in journals such as International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Human Rights Quarterly, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (Forthcoming), Disasters, and Canadian Public Policy, as well as popular sources like The Globe and Mail, Maclean's magazine, and the Ottawa Citizen. David teaches International Humanitarian Law, Torts, and the Law of Disasters and Emergencies.
Before being called to the bar (Law Society of Ontario 2020), David worked as an aid worker, with placements in London, UK, Niamey, Niger, and Dakar Senegal, where his work focussed on disaster risk reduction. He holds degrees from McMaster University (BASc), the University of Oxford (MPhil Development Studies), and McGill University (BCL/LLB), where he was the Elizabeth Torrance gold medalist. As a student he clerked for The Honourable Justice Yves-Marie Morissette at the Quebec Court of Appeal and upon graduation he clerked for The Honourable Rosalie Abella at the Supreme Court of Canada.
Dr. Carmen Poulin, originally from Quebec where her family still resides, is a professor in the department of Psychology and in the interdisciplinary program of Gender and Women Studies at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton.
She also occupies the position of Associate Dean of Arts (Research & Graduate studies). She is a co-founding director of the Psycho-Social Ethnography of the Commonplace (P-SEC) multidisciplinary research group and methodology alongside Dr. Lynne Gouliquer (Laurentian University).
Carmen Poulin’s research is grounded in a feminist understanding of reality and focuses on the impact of the social organization of the lives of women and marginalized individuals in particular institutions, and the cognitive schema and coping strategies used to navigate their realities. She has carried out research on groups such as 2SLGBTQIA+ soldiers in the Canadian Military and their partners, Women firefighters, Informal Caregivers, and easterly located Métis people.
Carmen Poulin was an active member of the We Demand an Apology Network, which brought together people directly affected by the Canadian militaries LGBT Purge campaign with supporters and researchers. Its yearlong efforts culminated in successfully convincing the Canadian government to present an apology to survivors of the purge and their families. Her research -- completed in collaboration with Dr. Lynne Gouliquer -- on the experience of soldiers and their partners during the period of the Purge was instrumental in the class action settlement that was reached in 2018. To this day, both Dr. Poulin and Dr. Gouliquer continues to provide free assistance to Purge survivors in accessing and receiving care and services.
Gouliquer, L., Poulin, C., Moore, A., & Longobardi, H. (2022). Pictures tell a story: Diversity and inclusion on the National CFMWS website. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 8 (s1). e20210084.
Gouliquer, L., Poulin, C., & Moore, J. (2018). A threat to Canadian national security: A lesbian soldier’s story. Qualitative Research in Psychology.
Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., & McCutcheon, J. (2018). Violating gender norms in the Canadian military: The experiences of gay and lesbian soldiers. Journal of Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 15 (1), 60-73).
Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2012). Clandestine existences and secret research: Eliminating official discrimination in the Canadian military and going public in academia. Journal of Lesbian Studies,16(1), 54-64
Moore, J. A., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2009). Partners of Canadian lesbian soldiers: Examining the military family social support system. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 50 (2a), 99.
Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., & Moore, J. (2009). Discharged for homosexuality from the Canadian military: Health implications for lesbians. Feminism & Psychology, 19(4) 497-516.
Moore, J. A., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2008). Banned from serving: The affect of anti- homosexual laws on Canadian military women. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie Canadienne, 49(2a), 270 - 271.
St. Pierre, M., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2005). Homosexual identity development in the context of the Canadian Forces: Organisational influences, schematic responses, and coping strategies. Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie canadienne, 46(2a), 200
Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2005). For better and for worse: Psychological demands and structural impacts of the military on gay servicewomen and their partners in long-term relationships. In D. Pawluch, W. Shaffir & C. Miall (Eds.), Doing ethnography: Studying everyday life. (pp. 323-335). Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc.
Roxborough, H., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2004). Discriminatory practices: Lesbian military members and their partners’ health. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 45(2a), 136.
Poulin, C. (2001). “The military is the wife and I am the mistress” Partners of gay service women. Atlantis, 26(1), 65 - 76.
Chantal Richard: BA (UNB), MA, PhD (Moncton), Full professor
My research gravitates around various phenomena brought about by languages and cultures in contact and how cultural identity is shaped and expressed, and my interdisciplinary approach is informed by the fields of literature, linguistics, history, and the digital humanities. I have published in the areas of Acadian identity, history, media, and literature, from the Acadian Renaissance period (1860s) to contemporary novels. Of particular interest to the Gregg Centre, in the last few years, my work has come to focus more specifically on the manifestations of the collective trauma of the Deportation as observed in popular culture and literature (including nation-building discourse, choice of national symbols and iconography).
I argue in numerous papers and conferences that the Deportation and subsequent lack of a homeland have become an integral part of all Acadian cultural and creative productions. In other words, this traumatic collective event has shaped Acadian people to the point where it is considered a founding moment of Acadian identity in the absence of a territorial or political entity. On the other hand, this same absence of a geo-political identity opens the path to a more abstract ideation of a homeland and sense of belonging that is highly adaptable, lending itself to an infinite number of literary and cultural iterations and interpretations.
I teach language and literature courses within the Department of French, including:
Todd Ross is Métis, 2-Spirited and a veteran. He is the Indigenous advisor at UNB Saint John and is an activist for the rights of 2SLGTBQ+ veterans.
Todd served in the Canadian Armed Forces and was released after an extensive investigation as part of Canada’s LGBT Purge. He later became one of three representative plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit on behalf of former federal civil servants who faced discrimination and harassment by the Government of Canada.
He serves as co-chair of Rainbow Veterans of Canada and as a board member on LBGT Purge Fund, a multi-million-dollar fund established as a result of the class action lawsuit for the reconciliation and memorialization efforts of the historical discrimination against 2SLGBTQ+ Canadians.
His work with Rainbow Veterans of Canada includes education and advocacy on behalf of 2SLGBTQ+ veterans. He works closely with the Department of Veteran Affairs including the new Office of Women and LGBTQ2 Veterans as well as the Royal Canadian Legion and other 2SLGBTQ+ and veteran organizations to ensure 2SLGBTQ+ veterans receive the support and recognition they deserve.
Todd has frequently appeared on media and has presented to the Organization of American States LGBTI Core Group and the House of Commons Committee on Veteran Affairs. He is a recipient of the Canada Pride Citation and The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (New Brunswick).
Alan Sears is a Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Education at UNB. His scholarship focuses on the teaching and learning of history generally and its relationship to civic education. His current work examines how collective memory and commemorative spaces, objects, and ceremonies shape historical consciousness and inform civic engagement.
His most recent book, coauthored with Penney Clark, is The Arts and the Teaching of History: Historical F(r)ictions (Palgrave MacMillan, 2020). A key component of that work is consideration of public commemorative art, including the commemoration of war, and its implications for the teaching and learning of history. Alan is also involved in a national study of how K-12 and university-based history teachers engage with commemoration controversies in the classroom.
Matthew Sears is a historian of ancient Greece and Rome specializing in ancient warfare, remembrance and commemoration, and battlefield topography. He regularly teaches courses that touch on many aspects of ancient warfare and society, including CLAS 3003 (Greek History), CLAS 3033 (Roman History), CLAS 3063 (Greek Warfare), and CLAS 3513 (The Trojan War).
His most recent books include Understanding Greek Warfare (Routledge, 2019) and Battles and Battlefields of Ancient Greece: A Guide to their History, Topography, and Archaeology (with C. Jacob Butera, Pen & Sword, 2019). He is currently writing a book for Cambridge University Press entitled Sparta and the Commemoration of War.
Blake Seward has been teaching in eastern Ontario for twenty-five years as well as consultant stints with Library and Archives Canada, several boards of education and the Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic and Disarmament Studies. He has written several online articles examining how teaching history has changed due to the digital age and co-wrote "Crossing Boundaries on the Battlefield: The Possibilities of Teacher Study Tours for Substantial Professional Learning" in Canadian Military History Journal. Seward has been connected with the Gregg Centre for over a decade focused on educational programming for the War and the Canadian Experience Teacher Education Program in France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Sicily. Recently, a focus on missing voices in Canada's history has led to education programs focused on Indigenous soldiers in the Great War as well as the contributions of other minorities to Canada's war efforts.
Seward is the recipient of several awards including the Meritorious Service Medal for Outstanding Service to Canada, Veterans' Affairs Citation and Commendation, Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence, Governor General's Award for Excellence in Teaching History, three Lieutenant Governor's Awards for Excellence in Youth Achievement, and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal.
Dr. Erin Spinney is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History and Politics at the University of New Brunswick’s Saint John campus.
Her research examines late-eighteenth and nineteenth-century British military and naval systems of care focusing on nurses and other women labourers.
She frequently considers the intersections of environment and health and how medical officers’ perceptions of landscape, climate, and ‘healthiness’ influenced their decisions.
Lisa Todd is Chair of the Department of History and the Department of Classics & Ancient History and teaches in the fields of Modern Germany, European History, Gender and Sexuality, and War and Society.
She holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Toronto (2005), an MA in Modern History from Royal Holloway College, University of London (1998) and a BA (History Honours, Comparative Literature Major, German Minor) from the University of New Brunswick (1997).
Lucia Tramonte is a Professor at the University of New Brunswick and the Co-Director of the Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy (CRISP) at UNB. After completing a Ph.D. in Sociology at the Universita’ degli Studi di Milan, Milan, Italy, she joined the University of New Brunswick in 2005 as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at CRISP.
Lee Windsor is the Fredrik S. Eaton Chair in Canadian Army Studies and an Associate Professor of History teaching in the field of modern warfare. He is responsible for UNB’s Canadian Army Studies Program in partnership with the Combat Training Centre and Tactics School at 5th Division Support Base Gagetown.
Research interests include the Canadian Armed Forces and multi-national coalition operations around the globe, from the First World War to Afghanistan, with a special interest in the Second World War in Italy.
He is a CAF veteran and serves on the Commemoration Advisory Group to the Minister of Veterans Affairs. He is part of the Gregg Centre field study team, conducting research and delivering onsite learning programs for groups of students, teachers, and soldiers at historic sites in Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and in Canada. In 2007-08 he served as the historian with the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battlegroup and Task Force 1-07.
Publications include Kandahar Tour: Turning Point in Canada's Afghan Mission, Steel Cavalry: The 8th New Brunswick Hussars in the Italian Campaign, The Sicily 70th Anniversary Edition of Canadian Military History, The Royal Canadian Infantry Corps in Afghanistan report, and Loyal Gunners: 3rd Field Regiment (The Loyal Company) and the History of New Brunswick’s Artillery, 1893-2012, and a range of articles and book chapters.
Thom Workman’s research explores the philosophical and sociological critiques of modernity, especially as these have developed over the post-Enlightenment era. Recent research has focused on the ideological appropriation of the ancient Greek historian Thucydides in the age of American imperialism, the philosophical residues of critical thought in the postmodern era, and the absence of a critical political economy tradition in the field of Canadian studies.