Entrepreneurship at UNB

Fresh Start Farms co-founder Max Noël hopes to make fresh, healthful food more accessible to those who need it most.

At the University of New Brunswick (UNB), challenge is opportunity.

As home to a dedicated and passionate group of learners, leaders and changemakers, UNB’s people are working each day to make a positive global impact with their bold, game-changing ideas.

UNB encourages and supports innovation through its myriad of advancement-seeking centres and is a hotbed of entrepreneurship.

With the country’s first-ever faculty of computer science and innovative and entrepreneurial centres like the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity, McKenna Institute, J Herbert Smith Centre for Technology Management and Entrepreneurship, Pond-Deshpande Centre, Institute of Biomedical Engineering and the International Business & Entrepreneurship Centre, it’s no wonder UNB attracts those driven to confront and find meaningful solutions to the challenges our world faces today.