Economic Impact Assessment | Reports | President | Leadership | UNB

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Economic impact assessment

UNB adds $1.8 billion to NB economy

UNB’s value to New Brunswick reaches far beyond our roles as a leading educator and the province’s national comprehensive university. Through our academics, research activities, focus on entrepreneurship and involvement with the community, UNB is propelling New Brunswick forward and supporting its industries and economic growth.

This independent analysis demonstrates the significant positive economic and social impact UNB has in New Brunswick. Students who attend UNB enter the workforce as qualified and highly trained, increase their lifetime earnings and create a more prosperous provincial economy for all. Taxpayers and business owners experience the university’s benefits through increased tax receipts, increased consumer spending and a reduced demand for government-supported social services.

UNB’s total impact includes:

  • operations spending impact of $224.9 million;
  • direct research spending impact of $43.6 million;
  • start-up and spin-off company impact of $125.5 million;
  • student spending impact of $45.9 million;
  • visitor spending impact of $8.6 million;
  • alumni impact of $1.4 billion.

For every $1 spent on UNB, students, society and taxpayers more than double their investment:

  • $2.50 is returned in lifetime earnings for students;
  • $6.00 is returned in added provincial income and social savings for society;
  • $4.30 is returned in added taxes and public-sector savings for taxpayers.

Learn more about the economic value of UNB: