STAT 6212 Health Research Statistics | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Health Research Statistics

Subject Course No. Credit Value
Statistics STAT 6212 Three (3) credit hours

This course provides students with a foundation for planning, conducting, reporting and critiquing the analysis of quantitative data. An understanding of statistical procedures is fostered through the discussion of underlying concepts and principles, rather than mathematical equations. Assumptions underlying various parametric and non-parametric statistical tests are discussed, as well as strategies for testing and dealing with any violations of these assumptions.

Contact the instructor to request a syllabus.

Instructor: Tariq Hasan
Prerequisite: Graduate level students or permission of the Instructor. Undergraduate students are not eligible.

What you will learn

This course is designed to help you:

  • Gain the ability to contribute to the advancement and dissemination of health research knowledge through systematic inquiry and evaluation of the evidence as well as knowledge translation and implementation.
  • Learn how to integrate current evidence and evidence-based theories with clinical expertise and the preferences and values of the specific individual (person or population) to inform decision-making and promote the attainment of high-quality outcomes.
  • Be able to provide direction, oversight, and accountability in an array of settings through advocacy for quality care and equity, collaboration, articulate communication, mentorship, risk-taking and role modelling. 

Students have six months from the registration date to complete the course. All course exams and/or assignments must be completed by the designated end date.

Assignments and examinations

  • 6 x assignments (60%)
  • 1 x research paper (40%)

Fees and payments

There is a $150 non-refundable/non-transferable online fee per course in addition to applicable tuition & fees. Learn more about our payment options.

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