Academic Assistantship | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Academic assistantship program

Policy and procedures for appointment of academic assistants

Under this agreement, academic assistants are funded for programs and courses managed by the UNB College of Extended Learning (UNB CEL) during the summer term and distance/online courses offered during fall and winter terms.

Approval for academic assistants will be subject to a number of factors:

  1. Course registrations and workload
  2. The overall number of requests received
  3. Budgetary appropriations for any given year

The Academic Assistantship program is open to undergraduate students only. If you are looking for a Graduate Teaching Assistant, refer to the School of Graduate Studies.

Funds to support requests for academic assistants are limited and the number of applications typically exceeds the amount available for distribution. Completion of an application form for an academic assistant does not mean that approval of funding will be guaranteed.

Instructors or academic units should not make commitments to academic assistants unless approval has been given by the Executive Director of the College of Extended Learning. CEL will not accept responsibility for any verbal or informal commitment made to potential academic assistants prior to approval of a formal application.

Faculty/Department is responsible to screen and select the appropriate candidates, providing name and information to CEL. CEL does not participate in the selection process of Academic Assistants.

Academic assistant application procedures

To be eligible to apply for an academic assistant for courses taught under the guidance of the College of Extended Learning, there must be a minimum of 35 officially registered students in a course.

Since funds are limited, priority will be given to courses with the largest number of registrations and course assignments. Combination of courses and sharing academic assistants is only permitted for courses taught by the same instructor.

The instructor selects the Academic Assistant, completes the application form, then forwards it to the Faculty/Department’s academic administrator for signature.

The Faculty/Department gathers the relevant documents, including banking and payroll forms, then forwards all documents, including the course outline, to CEL for final approval.

Information on the application form will be verified by the College of Extended Learning. For applications which are approved by the Executive Director of the College of Extended Learning, a copy will be returned to the instructor. Notification of approval will be sent to the instructor and department within one week of the deadline for applications.

Instructors are responsible for notifying academic assistants and ensuring that they are registered for employment with Human Resources, UNB Fredericton. No payment can be issued to an academic assistant unless properly registered for employment. Payment for services will be a one-time lump sum payment at the conclusion of the academic term.


  • appointments will be subject to Immigration and Labour laws;
  • individuals may not accept an appointment as an academic assistant if such an appointment would contravene any other agreement or regulation with respect to grants, assistantships, academic programs, etc.

Course/Research Assistant, i.e., marker, lab demonstrator/assistant

Undergraduates: $15.30 per hour
Maximum claimable hours: 75 hours

Summer: One week prior to the beginning of classes.
Fall/winter: Two weeks prior to the beginning of classes.

Note: For full-year courses, applications must be submitted separately – one in the fall and one in the winter.

Apply now

Send the completed form to, or return it to:

College of Extended Learning
6 Duffie Drive
P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3

Contact us

506-453-4907 or 1-866-599-4646