SOCI 3605 International Human Rights | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

International Human Rights

Subject Course No. Credit Value
Sociology SOCI 3605 Three (3) credit hours

This course explores the theory, politics and practice of international human rights. We examine power structures and the policies and practices of state and non-state actors in the international arena. Some of the issues discussed include the effects of globalization on human rights, the threats of genocide, torture, human trafficking, and racism, environmental human rights, women’s and indigenous peoples’ human rights, and the human rights to food, health and peace.

Contact the instructor to request a syllabus.

InstructorDr. Ahmad Rahmanian
Prerequisite: None

What you will learn

This course is designed to help you:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the foundations, types, origins, and evolutions of human rights, norms and instruments.
  • Develop the ability to critically analyze and engage in debates.
  • Appreciate different perspectives on a wide array of contemporary human rights issues.
  • Learn to recognize the value, limitations, and potentials of human rights, and form one’s own opinion about the place of human rights in today’s international relations.

Students have six months from the registration date to complete the course. All course exams and/or assignments must be completed by the designated end date.

Assignments and examinations

  • 12 x critical analysis and discussion assignments (45% total)
  • 1 x mid-course test (15%)
  • 1 x research essay (15%)
  • 1 x final test (25%)

Fees and payments

There is a $150 non-refundable/non-transferable online fee per course in addition to applicable tuition & fees. Learn more about our payment options.

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