BIOL 2629 Virtual Techniques in Molecular Biology | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Virtual Techniques in Molecular Biology

Subject Course No. Credit Value
Biology BIOL 2629 Three (3) credit hours

This course begins by reviewing introductory topics in cellular biology. Students then build upon this knowledge to learn about DNA amplification, DNA analysis, gene cloning, protein expression and protein analysis.

Students will gain insight into how these procedures are performed in the lab, and link practical observations with theoretical knowledge.

Contact the instructor to request a syllabus.

Instructor: Lisa Sharp
Prerequisite: One of BIOL 1001, BIOL 1009, BIOL 1622, BIOL 1629; or permission of the instructor.

This course is not equivalent to BIOL 2028. Enrolment in BIOL 2629 is restricted to students who have not received prior credit for BIOL 2028 and/or students who are not required to take BIOL 2028 for their degree program (e.g., Biology and Biology-Chemistry students).

What you will learn

  • This course is essentially a molecular biology lab course, without having to get your hands dirty. We’ve tried to apply a wide-angle lens to molecular biology lab techniques to allow students from a diverse range of backgrounds to learn about some of the really cool things we can do with DNA and proteins and bacteria in a molecular biology lab.
  • Have you ever watched a CSI tv show? Or heard about gene cloning? Have you ever taken a pregnancy test or a rapid COVID-19 test? These are some of the techniques and procedures we will learn about in this course. And by watching creative, state-of-the art videos and working through computer-based simulations, you’ll get a chance to learn how these techniques are performed - all from the comfort of your own chosen study area.
  • If you are a biology or biochemistry major, you would take a different version of this course in person. That said, this course is for everyone else - everyone who has ever wanted to know more about the impressive-looking lab equipment they show glimpses of on those crime-fighting tv shows, everyone who has wanted to know more about how genes are cloned, everyone who is interested in how we can grow blue colonies of E. coli bacteria. This really is a very cool elective course to add to your degree program.

Students have six months from the registration date to complete the course. All course exams and/or assignments must be completed by the designated end date.

Assignments and examinations

  • 2 x self-assessment quizzes (0% each)
  • 8 x quizzes (8% each)
  • 3 x assignments (12% each)
  • 1 x optional bonus assignment (5% - potential bonus marks)

Fees and payments

There is a $150 non-refundable/non-transferable online fee per course in addition to applicable tuition & fees. Learn more about our payment options.

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