Military Support | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Military support

UNB has a longstanding partnership with the Canadian Defence Academy to support Canadian Forces members, their families, and Department of National Defence personnel in pursuing their educational goals.

Building on this tradition, UNB and the 5th Canadian Division Support Base (5 CDSB) Gagetown have established a strategic partnership to enhance educational opportunities for their military personnel. This collaboration facilitates access to UNB's programs for active duty, transitioning, and retired military members, with provisions for recognizing military training and non-formal learning as academic credit. Additionally, it fosters joint research and experiential learning initiatives between UNB and Base Gagetown.

Our staff are here to:

  • Help you get started
  • Provide guidance and general advising about UNB certificate and degree programs, courses, and professional development options
  • Coordinate a Prior Learning Assessment of your military training and non-formal learning

We recognize that ongoing services and support are important factors in your decision to continue your education and we are here for you.

Get credit for your time in the military

To get your military training assessed for possible credit that could be applied to your UNB program, the following is required:

  • A current MPRR
  • Course reports for language training, if applicable.
  • Transcripts from RMC for Officer Professional Military Education courses.
  • UNB application and fee for PLA (contact us at for details)

If you request prior learning credit for training that has not been previously assessed by UNB, you will need to provide detailed information on the course and its content, as well as a learning summary specifying how this additional training fits within your program or aligns with courses at UNB.

Aside from your military training, non-formal learning can also be assessed for credits that could be put toward your UNB program. This is done through a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).

To get an assessment of prior learning, an appropriate faculty assessment committee will need to have the following:

  • A detailed account of your prior knowledge/skills
  • An explanation of how your learning relates to the desired outcomes of the program/course(s) for which prior learning credit is being sought
  • Evidence of your prior learning as demonstrated by:
    • A detailed learning summary that targets a particular subject area
    • A portfolio of learning
    • An interview with a designated faculty member; or
    • A challenge exam
  • Supporting documentation, such as:
    • Certificates, course reports, transcripts, course content
    • Samples of work
    • Letters of attestation, performance reviews, etc.

It is up to you to provide detailed documentation that demonstrates your learning as it relates to the course or program under review.

To learn more, or start your prior learning assessment, please reach out to us at

Military equivalents

Military training courses UNB credit equivalent
Training (PLQ exam) + Experience associated with specific rank acquired (No Acting or Lacks)* 6 credit hours (ch) unassigned Humanities
Language Training Profile [AAA (Year 1); BBB or CBC (year 2)] acquired through instruction at a recognized post-secondary school Unassigned French (various)
Second Language Training (English Composition) 3 ch unassigned English
Advanced Combat Intelligence (AGK2) 6 ch unassigned Political Science
Equivalent of valid commercial pilot licence (+Grp 1 multi engine rating/IFR rating- based on Transport Canada guidelines) 15 ch unassigned block - elective credit - non Business
Joint Command Staff Program (JCSP) 30 ch unassigned Social Science
Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ) 3 ch unassigned Humanities; 3 ch unassigned Education
Basic Intelligence Officer Course (BIOC) 3 ch unassigned Social Science (yr 3); 3ch unassigned Geography (yr 2)
INT SEA NCAGS (114830) 3 ch unassigned Social Science
Performance Oriented Electronic Training (POET) 3 ch unassigned Applied Science
EW Advanced Tech - Theory and Applications
AIHA/114214 (SIGE-4810 Advanced Tech E)
3 ch unassigned Applied Science
Advanced Leadership Qualification/Program (ALQ/ALP) 3 ch unassigned Social Science
Intermediate Leadership Qualification/Program (ILQ/ILP) 3 ch unassigned Social Science (yr 3); 3 ch unassigned History (yr 2)
Chief Warrant Officer Qualification (CQ) or Senior Leadership Program (SLP) 3 ch unassigned Social Science
Peace Support Operations: Military Observer (PSO- Mil Ob) 3 ch unassigned Political Science
Basic Instructional Techniques 3 ch Adult Education
Advanced Instructional Techniques 3 ch Adult Education
Instructor Supervisor 3 ch Adult Education
Winter Warfare 3ch unassigned Kinesiology

OPME courses UNB credit equivalent
OPME - Intro to Defence Management (DCE 001) 3 ch unassigned Business OR 3 ch unassigned Political Science
OPME - Intro to Military Law (DCE 002) 3 ch unassigned Humanities*
OPME - Science & War: The Impact of Military Technology (HIE 475) 3 ch unassigned History*
OPME - Canadian Forces and Modern Society (POE 206) 3 ch unassigned Political Science*
OPME - Canadian Military History (HIE 208) 3 ch unassigned History*
OPME - Survey of Technology, Society & Warfare (HIE 275) 3 ch unassigned History*
OPME - Leadership and Ethics (PSE 402) 3 ch unassigned Humanities*
OPDP 3 & 5 (replaced by OPME) 3 ch unassigned Business
OPDP 6 (replaced by OPME) 6 ch unassigned Political Science
OPDP 7 (replaced by OPME) 6 ch unassigned History

*Transfer credit - with RMC transcript

MOC UNB credit equivalent
Aerospace Control (AEC) - Weapons or IFR Qualification 3 ch u/a GEOG (yr 1); 3 ch u/a GEOG (yr 2); 3 ch u/a Math (yr 2); 3 ch u/a CS (yr 2)
Aerospace Telecommunications and Information Systems Tech (QL5) 6 ch u/a Physics
Air Navigator/Air Combat Systems Officer (ANAV/ACSO) 6 ch unassigned GEOG
Arctic Operations Advisor (AGLX) 3 ch u/a Recreation and Sports Science
Aviation Systems Technician QL3 (AVN) 3 ch unassigned Applied Science; 6 ch unassigned Physics (yr 1)
Avionics Systems Technician QL3 (AVS) 6 ch unassigned Physics
GEO TECH QL3 6 ch unassigned GEOG (yr 2) + 6 ch unassigned Elective Credit (upper level)
GEO TECH QL5 GEOTECH QL3 + 6 ch unassigned GEOG upper level
Hull Technician QL6 3 ch unassigned Applied Science
Intelligence Operator DP2/QL5A - Junior Collator 3 ch unassigned POLS
Intelligence Operator DP2/QL5A - Collator Sea/Land/Air 6 ch unassigned GEOG
Intelligence Operator DP3/QL6A 3 ch unassigned Social Science
Land Communication & Info Systems Tech (LCIS) QL3 3 ch unassigned Computer Science
MARS Surface and Subsurface MARS IV 6 ch unassigned Geog (yr 2); 3 ch unassigned Physics (yr 1)
Medical Technician QL3 3 ch unassigned Biology
Medical Technician QL5 3 ch unassigned Biology, 3 ch unassigned Kinesiology
Meteorology Technician (Tactical Weather Specialist) 3 ch unassigned Geography
Military Pilot Training (Wings Standard) 6 ch unassigned Geography
Public Affairs Officer 6 ch unassigned Social Science
Resource Management Support Clerk - RMS QL6 level only 3 ch unassigned CS (yr 1); 3 ch unassigned ADM (yr 2)
Search and Rescue Technician QL5A (AAHU) 2 ch unassigned KIN (yr 2); KIN 2811 (1ch); KIN 2812 (1ch); RSS 3913 (3ch)
Search and Rescue Technician QL5B (AAHX) 3 ch unassigned KIN
Search and Rescue Technician QL6A (AAHY) RSS 3072
Search and Rescue Technician Gr Search Team Leader (AGKU) RSS 2032

Based on CDA assessment

3 ch POLS 2202 Canadian Politics POE 206
3 ch HIST 4806 Canadian Defence Forces (A) or 3 ch HIST 3835 Canada and the Experience of War 1600-2000 HIE 208
3 ch HIST 1815 Military History from Plato to NATO HIE 475

Common questions

As soon as you are certain that you cannot continue with your studies, please withdraw from your course. If you are registered in an open-entry online course, please submit a course withdrawal form. If you are registered in a term-based online course or attending classes on campus, you should use the registration system to drop the course.

If your withdrawal occurs after the last date in the term for a withdrawal with no academic penalty, it is suggested that you contact your faculty concerning the circumstances, and include a letter from your CO. Full regulations with respect to dropping courses can be found in Section B of the Undergraduate Calendar, Part IV. D.

It is up to you to notify and to discuss the circumstances surrounding a late assignment with the instructor, in advance of the due date. The instructor can determine whether or not to accept it.

Some instructors will include their policy on late assignments in their course syllabus, which you will receive within the first two weeks of the course.

You may apply for a deferred exam to be written after the exam period at a different site. Alternatively, you may wish to write the exam at the scheduled time, but at a different site. In both cases, please contact the Registrar's Office. Your application should include a letter from your CO stating the circumstances.


Here are some additional resources that may be of help to you: