Health & Wellness | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Workplace health & wellness

Featured courses

Now, more than ever, it is important to take care of your mental health. Being able to cope better with stressful situations allows you to make better choices, personally and professionally.

The Pathway to Coping (PWC) is a developmental program that will help you to develop the skills and techniques needed to better cope with stress. It will also improve your ability to solve problems and help you make healthy and effective decisions.

  • Takes 15-18 hours to complete
  • Includes two complimentary e-books
  • Can access the course for two years

Price: $119.50 (+HST)

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The keys to mental fitness can be learned

Mental health concerns are on the upswing in Canada. Employees whose mental fitness is low are at risk for experiencing cognitive impairment, which may result in more risk for accidents (Total Safety research).

The cause of stress among employees is wide-ranging. Workers report being stressed for personal reasons (e.g. time, financial) just as much as they are stressed for work-related reasons (e.g. work demand). Such ongoing stress can have a negative impact on an employee's mental health.

We can actively engage in building our resiliency and developing micro skills that improve our coping mechanisms to mental health wellbeing.

The Mental Fitness Practice online course will help you develop the foundational knowledge and insights required to create your own personal mental fitness plan. Learn the concept of mental fitness and how it can positively affect mental health in the workplace. Throughout the course, you will explore strategies that will help you mitigate high levels of accidents, presenteeism and sick time.

Duration: 1 hour for course content and up to 3 hours for hands-on activities
Price: $59.50 +HST

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About the instructor

Dr. Bill Howatt is the founder of Howatt Human Resources Consulting and an international expert in Workplace Psychological Health and Safety.

He is a highly sought-after speaker on leadership, mental fitness, and creating inclusive, psychologically healthy and safe workplaces. A behavioural scientist, he is passionate about supporting employees and leaders to create thriving workplaces.

Dr. Bill's 30-plus years of professional experience includes providing services in clinicalmental health, teaching courses for colleges and universities, being a committee chair, and filling various senior leadership roles in Canada and the United States, including the Wall Street financial district. His firm provides HR consulting globally, focusing onemployees' psychological safety.

Dr. Bill has published over 60 books and 600 articles and regularly contributes to workplace mental health research like WSPS Moving to Action: Implementing Workplace Safety and Prevention Services' Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap, and Boston Consulting Group's recent study, The Next Frontier of Workplace Culture, viewed by over 30 million readers.

He is the founder of Mental Fitness IQ Inc. and creator of the University New Brunswick's Certificate in Psychologically Safe Leadership (CPSL). He publishes a weekly workplace mental health newsletter for leaders and workers called Exploring Workplace Mental Health.

In Canada, cannabis is legal. Make sure your organization is informed. We're proud to offer two online courses on cannabis in the workplace.

Cannabis: An employee's perspective

Designed to meet Occupational Health and Safety compliance requirements, this competency-based program offers interactive activities to enrich your learning experience.

Whether you're an existing employee or a new hire, this approximately 2-hour course covers essential basics about cannabis in the workplace, equipping you with the knowledge you need to navigate this evolving landscape effectively.

Price: $49 (+HST)

Register for the employee perspective

Cannabis: A manager's perspective

Equip yourself with the tools to effectively support and manage employees who may be impaired due to cannabis or other drugs. Building on the foundational information covered in the Employee's Perspective, this comprehensive course includes an additional module called Managing Impairmenbt in the Workplace. Tailored for managers, this course offers an integrated model to help you navigate complex situations confidently, ensuring a safe and productive work environment for all.

Price: $49 (+HST)

Register for the manager perspective

Over the past few years, many work cultures have shown a growing trend of increased workloads, reduced resources, and overly ambitious performance expectations, causing today's employees to get overwhelmed and burn out.

"Doing more with less" can result in higher absenteeism, presenteeism, attrition, and mental health concerns, as well as reduced productivity. Most programs designed to alleviate this issue focus too much on deficit areas, instead of teaching organizations how to build a framework that fosters an environment where employees can develop and grow.

In our Positive Workplace Culture (PWC) online, self-paced professional training course, you will learn how to encourage and support the skills and resiliency required to allow employees to feel seen, heard and appreciated.

This course draws on evidence-based team and organizational practices from positive psychology to promote mental well-being and resiliency, allowing individuals, teams and workplaces to flourish.

Price: $120 (+HST)

Learn more & register

About the instructor

Dr. Bill Morrison is a counselling psychologist, author, and recognized national speaker in mental health and positive mental health for school and workplace environments.

Dr. Morrison was named among 150 Leading Canadians for Mental Health in 2017, receiving the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Difference Maker Award.

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