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Student Affairs and Services

Healthy lifestyle resources

Healthy living blogs

  • Abby Langer is a registered dietitian who's philosophy is that a healthy diet is more than what we eat; it’s also our attitude towards food. Learn how to cook, and do it often. Quality, not calories, is what matters. Eat more plants. Revel in the beauty of food. Choose food that you love and listen to your body.
  • Fannetastic Food is a food and fitness blog, authored by registered dietitian, Anne Mauney. On her blog, she shares healthy recipes, fitness tips and documents her journey to becoming an RD.
  • Leslie Beck is a well-known Canadian registered dietitian, author and television personality. Visit her website for hundreds of articles on weight management, healthy eating, supplementation and more.
  • Weighty Matters penned by family physician Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, addresses topics such as childhood obesity, nutrition research, policy and much more.