Wiggers Collection | Gregg Centre | UNB

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The Gregg Centre

The Wiggers Collection

Housed within the Gregg Centre the Wiggers collection is a grouping of seventy binders containing documents pertaining to Nazi war crimes. The binders include German, American and British documents from both the wartime and post-war period.

Each binder contains a specific grouping of photocopied documents which were gathered from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, the Hoover Institute, the Truman Library and the National Archives of Canada. The majority of the German documents address the actions of the Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing squads, during the initial stages of the Holocaust. American, English and non-German documents are largely comprised of captured documents or notes concerning Nazi actions during that time period. Also included are large sections of documents taken from the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.

In addition to the binders there are multiple master document indexes concerning documents held at the United States National Archives and Records.

This Wiggers collection is a fantastic learning tool and research source for those involved in Second World War and Holocaust studies. It is of particular interest to those studying the early stages of Nazi genocide in the pre-concentration camp time period.