Ilsa Greenblatt Shore Distinguished Graduate Award | Alumni | Faculty of Law | UNB

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Faculty of Law

Ilsa Greenblatt Shore Distinguished Graduate Award

This award recognizes one of our alumni for achieving excellence and thus bringing honour to UNB Law. The award is intended to be consistent with the objectives of Awards Night, which are to recognize excellence in our law school community and to celebrate its heritage.


The criteria are drafted to allow flexibility and balance in choosing recipients. The ideal individual is one who has, for many years, been much involved in public service, including service to the law school, and who has achieved recognition in their chosen field.

In short, the objective of this award is to recognize individuals who are well-rounded and symbolize what is meant by professionalism. The award recipient must have graduated from the University of New Brunswick at least 15 years before the granting of the award and be a "well-rounded" member of the legal profession with qualities that may include the following:

  1. a strong record of public and community service;
  2. a strong record of service to the legal profession;
  3. demonstrated excellence in the nominee's chosen area of law; and/or
  4. involvement in the law school community.

Nominees will exclude persons who are presently members of Parliament or members of a legislative assembly. The award will be made at the discretion of the law school’s Heritage Committee, taking into account these terms of reference.


The Ilsa Greenblatt Shore Distinguished Graduate Award is generally to be awarded annually. Nominations will be sought from the alumni through Nexus, the UNB Alumni News, and the Law Society News by the fall of the previous year at the latest. The Heritage Committee will choose the successful recipient.

Award recipients

The Ilsa Greenblatt Shore Distinguished Graduate Award was first awarded in 1997 to Ilsa Greenblatt Shore in memoriam. Since the inaugural award, the following alumni have received it:

  • 1999 Franklin O. Leger, Q.C., LL.D.
  • 2000 J. Fernand Landry, Q.C. (in memoriam)
  • 2001 Donald M. Gillis, Q.C.
  • 2004 Hon. Graydon Nicholas, C.M., O.N.B.
  • 2006 Frank J. McKenna, P.C., K.C., O.N.B.
  • 2009 Thomas E. Williams, K.C.
  • 2017 Hon. Madam Justice Margaret Larlee
  • 2019 Hon. Aldéa Landry, C.M., P.C., K.C.
  • 2022 David O'Brien, K.C.
  • 2023 Janet Hoyt


Any of the foregoing arrangements may be amended or varied at any time by the consent of Faculty Council on recommendations of the Heritage Committee.


Nominations are now closed for 2024.

Nomination process: To nominate a deserving UNB Law graduate, please send a letter of nomination containing the following information to our Public Engagement Officer, Ed Bowes (

  1. Summary of the nominee’s service to the public and/or community;
  2. Summary of the nominee’s service to the legal profession;
  3. Summary of major career achievements and achievements in the nominee’s chosen area of law;
  4. Summary of the nominee’s service to the UNB Law school community;
  5. Personal and general information (Education; Publications; Directorships; Honours and Decorations; Other Relevant Information).

Note: You may include letters of support in your nomination package