Winter Term at UNB | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Explore your options

  • Adult Learner Services
  • Credit Studies
  • Professional Development
  • Art & Leisure Learning
  • Centre for Musical Arts
  • English Language Programme

During Winter 2024, courses and programs will be offered using in-person instruction, Term Based online and Open Entry online delivery methods. 

Choose from over 350 courses and programs. Work toward your degree, enhance your workplace skills, or explore your creative side. There's something for everyone!

Winter term highlights

Secure your spot in these courses today!

We've put together a collection of popular credit courses to help you complete your winter schedule.

Explore featured courses

This winter, invest in your career

We've put together this collection of professional development seminars and programs so you can get the skills and certifications you need to take your career to the next level.

Explore featured career development

Learn any time, any place, and at your own pace

Thinking about going back to school or just want a better way to balance work, life, and your education? Explore our wide variety of open entry courses!

Learn more about Open Entry courses

Need more information? We've got you covered!

To learn more about your registration options, important dates, and fees, please visit our student resources page.

Explore student resources

Phone: 506 453-4646 (Toll Free: 1 866 599-4646)