Exhibitions | UNB Art Centre | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Current exhibition

Rediscovering the Roots of Black New Brunswickers

Exhibition opens Friday Feb. 7 at 5 p.m. and runs through Feb. 28

Now in its fifth year, the UNB Art Centre celebrates Black History Month by bringing portraits of notable Black New Brunswickers to public attention.

The latest exhibit features the faces and stories of Catherine McMichael, Edward Washington, Reginald Springer, Percy Richards, Percival Grant, Jocelyn Eatmon Stevens, Joel MacPherson, Carole Thompson, Edith Henry, Rose-Marie Stewart and Jennifer Dow along with 54 others honoured in previous years.

This special research project engages UNB students and members of the Black community in bringing to light those Black New Brunswickers who have strived for freedom and equality in a world of prejudice and discrimination.

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