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College of Extended Learning

Design Works camps for kids

March Break camps

Register now

Summer camps 2025

Registration will open March 1

Parent resources

Memorial Hall | 9 Bailey Drive | Fredericton campus

On the first day

Every day

  • Lunch and snacks (no nut or shellfish products)
  • Re-fillable labelled water bottle
  • Warm clothing for outdoor play (hat, gloves, snow pants, snow boots, etc)
  • Indoor shoes
  • Appropriate clothing for artwork
  • Required materials (listed in camp description)

Please do not bring any electronic devices or cell phones to the camps. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Memorial Hall | 9 Bailey Drive | Fredericton campus

Drop-off: 7:45 - 9 a.m.
Pick-up: 4 - 5 p.m.

An email will be sent out with more details on drop-off and pick-up procedures.

If you need to drop-off your camper after 9 a.m., or pick-up before 4 p.m., come to the Design Works Summer office, Memorial Hall | 9 Bailey Drive, room 11.

If you are running late, or need to sign your child out early, or your child will not be attending camp, let us know by email or call (506) 452-6360 or (506) 453-4623.

There is a $10 late pick-up fee for any time after 5 p.m. (within the first 30 minutes) and $10 for every half hour after.

Daily schedule

7:45 - 9 a.m. | Drop off

9 - 10:15 a.m. | Instruction 1

10:15 - 10:30 a.m. | Break

10:30 - 11:45 a.m. | Instruction 2

11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. | Lunch

1 - 2:15 p.m. | Instruction 3

2:15 - 2:30 p.m. | Break

2:30 - 3:45 p.m. | Instruction 4

3:45 - 4 p.m. | Clean up

4 - 5 p.m. | Pick up

In case of snowstorms, please check for an email from DW with notification/cancellation. In general, if UNB cancels classes due to weather conditions, our camps will also be cancelled for that day (check UNB website or social media).

If you require financial assistance to enroll your child in camp this year, consider applying for the Design Works Camp Bursary.

Bursaries will be awarded based on financial need. Applications close on June 20, 2025.

Apply now

Help send kids to camp by contributing to our UNB Design Works Camp Bursary Fund. Every donation makes a difference, and donors will receive a charitable donation receipt.

To donate online, select “Other” from the dropdown menu on the donation page and type in “UNB Design Works Camp Bursary” in the “Additional Details” field.

Participants wishing to withdraw from a Design Works camp must do so by telephone or email. A full refund of tuition minus a $50 processing fee will be issued provided withdrawals are made on or before Feb. 3, 2025.

Withdrawals made after Feb. 3 will receive a 50% refund unless made five days or less before the beginning of a camp.

There are no refunds for withdrawals made five business days, before the beginning of a camp, except for medical reasons. All medical requests must be made in writing and be fully supported and documented by a practicing physician with the Medical Association.

Tansfers between camps may be possible and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

Full payment is due at registration. There is no reduction in tuition for students who join a camp late or miss class(es). Non-attendance does not constitute official withdrawal.

Withdrawals must be done in person, by phone (506-452-6360 or 506-453-4623) , or by emailing Camps are conditional on enrollment. A full refund is issued in the event that a camp is cancelled.


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