Psychology Colloquium with Dr. Randi Doyle-FR

Event Date(s):
October 04, 2019
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Event Details:

Dr. Randi Doyle, from Minerva Schools at KGI, will deliver a colloquium entitled, "The effect of gender stereotypes on emotional intelligence test performance." All are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Abstract: The studies presented investigate the effects of gender related stereotype threat on emotional intelligence (EI) performance and the utility of implicit theories of emotion (i.e., fixed and growth mindsets) to reduce stereotype threat effects. In experiment one, 186 adults received one of four EI stereotype conditions (threat, boost, nullified threat, or control) and then completed measures of ability-based EI, and measure of implicit theories of emotion. The results revealed that women outperformed men in the “threat to men” and control conditions and that implicit theories of emotion moderated this gender difference. In the nullified threat condition, men with a growth mindset outperformed men with a fixed mindset. In experiment two, EI stereotypes and implicit theories of emotion were manipulated. The results from 452 adults indicated that the implicit theories manipulation affected men’s EI performance but not women’s. Overall, men adopting a growth mindset demonstrated trends in which they outperformed men adopting a fixed mindset. Implications related to the reduction of gender disparities in EI performance are discussed.

Building: Keirstead Hall

Room Number: 105


Jennifer Marie McWilliams