New Brunswick Pilot| Projects | Global Child | UNB

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New Brunswick Pilot of GlobalChild

The GlobalChild platform is a comprehensive child rights monitoring platform developed under the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.

The platform, developed through 4 years of intense research, is comprised of 41 sets of indicators that will enable all 197 UN member states that have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to monitor their efforts to fulfill children’s rights. In late 2020, the platform development came to its completion and will shortly be subjected to its first pilot in New Brunswick (NB-Pilot).

The NB Pilot of GlobalChild is one of the major projects of the GlobalChild program. It is a 2-year plan currently in its preparatory phase. This pilot, using the 41 indicator sets of the GlobalChild platform, will take an inventory of the structures and processes in place in the province to support the 41 substantive rights of the children under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The collected data on these structures and processes will be examined vis-à-vis the outcome data at the level of children. This exercise will reveal the strengths as well as gaps in the capacities of NB. The NB-Pilot is conducted in close partnership with NB Office of Child and Youth Advocates.

Workplan timelines

  • Phase A: Preparatory phase (6 months)
  • Phase B: Data collection and data cleanup (6 months)
  • Phase C: Data analyses and write up (6 months)
  • Phase D: Knowledge mobilization activities (6 months)

Significance of the NB Pilot

The GlobalChild platform is a social innovation that can address the pressing social issue of NB children not achieving their full developmental potential. Using this platform, we have the capacity to monitor government commitments; establish baseline data for the province; and track progress through repeated data collection.

Data collected through GlobalChild will highlight gaps in the capacities of NB and will facilitate the development of evidence-informed policies and programs. When used in this manner, the platform will result in steady incremental improvements in child development and will produce transformative social outcomes.


The New Brunswick Pilot of GlobalChild is funded through the generous funds of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) and the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF).