Talent | Business and Industry | UNB

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Business and Industry

Talent acquisition

With a population of more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students studying in more than 75 programs on both the Fredericton and Saint John campuses, UNB is home to diverse talent. Business and industry can take advantage of the valuable opportunity to engage students in relevant and practical work experience that complements their academic learning. The benefits to our partners are immense.


  • Leverage a diverse set of students, recent graduates and alumni who can approach your business projects and challenges from new angles and points of view.
  • Support your talent and recruitment needs by hiring current students who may go on to become full-time employees.
  • Gain access to an energetic and trainable workforce.
  • Support the economic development of the region by retaining UNB students post- graduation through partnerships with Future NB and other funding agencies.

What we offer you

UNB offers a wide variety of programs to help employers engage students through experiential learning opportunities. These opportunities range from internships, co-ops, practicums, community-engaged learning and many more. Experiential education helps students to create knowledge and reach their personal and professional goals while reflecting on their experiences. Find out more about types of experiential learning available at UNB.

Hiring a student

Do you want to hire an undergraduate/graduate student for a co-op, internship, practicum, or other opportunity?

Register your account on our experiential learning and employment portal, ExperienceUNB. In the registration process, indicate your preferred partnership opportunity – i.e. co-op, internship, practicum, etc. Need assistance signing up for an account? Contact experienceunb@unb.ca.

Once your profile has been created, post the job opportunity with all the necessary details such as job description and requirements, application deadline, targeted faculties, etc.

Once submitted, the posting is sent to the Office of Experiential Education for approval. When approved, the posting is live and available to students and alumni (if applicable).

For interview services such as scheduling an on-campus room booking, contact:

  1. Fredericton campus: Career Development and Employment Centre, employerservices@unb.ca
  2. Saint John campus: Student Employment Centre, SES.SJ@unb.ca

Do you want to advertise full-time positions to students, recent graduates, or alumni?

Follow the steps to register but select “other” and indicate full-time when choosing which opportunity.

The Office of Experiential Education is available for questions you may have concerning experiential learning opportunities, funding programs and other placement processes. Find out more about how to engage with their office by contacting Sandy MacKay, Work-Integrated Learning (ExperienceUNB) Coordinator, at sandy.mackay@unb.ca.

Do you want to promote your current and future positions? Consider leveraging these additional employer services.

  • Participate in our career fairs which can be a valuable recruitment tool.
  • Host an information session to help students learn about your company. For options one and two above, contact the Career Development and Employment Centre on the Fredericton campus and Student Employment Centre on the Saint John campus.

For more information pertaining to employer services, contact the Career Development and Employment Centre (employerservices@unb.ca) on the Fredericton campus and Student Employment Centre (ses.sj@unb.ca) on the Saint John campus.

Co-op positions

UNB’s co-op programs are managed by faculty, and co-op students typically alternate between work and study terms. To learn more about co-op and promoting your job opportunities to students, please contact the co-op coordinator by faculty.

To find out information about other faculties and experiential learning opportunities available, reach out to experiential@unb.ca for assistance.

Faculty contacts

Erin Gillespie (Co-op Coordinator) | emackenz@unb.ca 

MBA Business Consulting Project Team | mbaconsultingproject@unb.ca 

Cathy Clowater (Co-op Coordinator) | cclowate@unb.ca

Trish Meng (Co-op Coordinator) | pmeng@unb.ca

Erin Gillespie (Co-op Coordinator) | emackenz@unb.ca

Hannah Legere (Co-op Coordinator) | Hannah.Legere@unb.ca 

Highlights and success stories

Gabriel Ibarra worked with Sankara, a new business selling international food through local vendors, and built a mobile app to help connect them to new customers during his Computer Science co-op work term.

Aishwarya Yewle completed an internship for her MBA program at 3DPlaneta where she focused on marketing for 2meter, an initiative helping businesses address COVID-19 restrictions and their accompanying challenges.

Ingmara Wheeler, a civil engineering student, worked with the New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure for her team’s senior design project. She designed two covered bridges to be built in St. Martin’s while considering economic, social, environmental, and historical constraints.

Amanda Cherry and a group of her fellow Saint John Nursing practicum students hosted Teddy Bear Health Clinics and health education sessions at local elementary schools, putting classroom theory into practice and educating students about relevant health subjects.