
BIOL3913Adaptations of Marine Organisms5 ch (3C 3L)

This course introduces students to a myriad of adaptations of marine organisms living in the Bay of Fundy. Topics covered will vary from year to year. Students will learn about major ecological factors affecting the distribution and abundance of marine organisms, and they will study select biochemical, physiological, morphological, behavioral and life-history adaptations displayed by these organisms in response to these selective agents. Students will also investigate variation of these adaptive traits in relation to temporal and spatial variability in the characteristics of marine habitats. This knowledge will largely be acquired through short-term lab and field observations and exercises, which will be supported by lectures, directed readings and group discussions. Many exercises will rely on the scientific approach to test competing hypotheses pertaining to the functional significance of selected features displayed by marine organisms. NOTE: This course is offered exclusively in the Marine Semester.

Prerequisites: At least one university level introductory courses in each of ecology and zoology with a minimum grade of C.