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100th Anniversary Edition

UNB Perspectives Alumni Edition | Summer 1988

Campus News

ALUMNI NEWS MAGAZINE | 100th Anniversary Edition

Sullivan Rink sweeps to victory  

UNB's very own Sullivan Rink fulfilled all expectations this spring when it brought home to Fredericton the World Junior Curling Championship. Skipped by Jim Sullivan, second-year administration, the rink is crewed by Charlie Sullivan, second-year administration; Craig Burgess, second­year physical education; and Dan Alderman, who plans to return to studies at UNB next year. At the world championships held in Fussen, West Germany, the Canadian team competed against nine other teams, losing only one game and beating Sweden in the finals. 

Success rate best in Canada 

Students graduating this year at the University of New Brunswick in science, engineering, forestry, math and computer science have once again proven their excellence nationally in the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) competition for postgraduate scholarships. Of the 41 scholarship applicants, 37 were successful-a success rate of 90 per cent.  

"This year's success rate is up 10 per cent from the previous three years;' said Merrill Edwards, NSERC liaison officer at UNB. "Our success rate is 14 per cent higher than the national rate of 76 per cent:' Only five universities received more of these scholarships than UNB: Waterloo received 79; McGill, 69; Toronto, 56; Laval, 51; and Montreal, 39. "On a per capita, full-time basis, we are ahead of all the above by about a two-to-one ratio,’ he observed. 

"Two of UNB's applicants were invited for interviews for the prestigious 1967 Science and Engineering Scholarships, and both were successful,” Dr. Edwards added. Paul Ward of St. George, N.B., who graduated this May with a degree in electrical engineering, and Tami Wetmore of Fredericton, who plans to finish the requirements for her undergraduate work in chemical engineering next fall, are the recipients of these scholarships valued at $18,000 annum. Two postgraduate students completing their doctorates at UNB, Ghislain Deslongchamps of Sherbrooke, Que., and Colleen Elliot of Saskatoon, Sask., were awarded postdoctoral fellowships. They will continue their studies in chemistry and geology, respectively, with the assistance of their fellowships valued at $24,000 a year.  

In addition to these students, 35 former graduates either at UNB, other institutions or in the workforce have received NSERC scholarships or renewals, Dr. Edwards said.  

NSERC has increased the value of all its postgraduate scholarships for the coming year. For students in engineering and computer science, the scholarships are valued at $13,500 a year, and for students in other disciplines at $12,500 a year. 

Scholar off to Cambridge 

Nicole Bourque, who graduated with a BA this May, has won a United Kingdom Commonwealth Scholarship which she will use to study for a PhD in anthropology at Cambridge University, England 

University adopts AIDS policy, appoints prof to implement it  

At its meeting on March 25, the UNB Board of Governors approved a policy on AIDS and the appointment of Gracie Getty, a nursing professor, as the person responsible for providing education about AIDS to students, faculty and staff on the Fredericton and Saint John campuses.  

In recognition of this serious health problem, the university will assist its employees and students by providing current information on AIDS to students and employees, developing and implementing education programs for the university community, developing and implementing safety procedures for use on both campuses, and providing a specific counselling service to meet the needs of those who have the AIDS virus and others who are concerned about AIDS. To protect the rights of individuals who have contracted AIDS, cases related to the AIDS virus on campus will be handled in a confidential manner. The university endorses the position that each individual must assume responsibility for avoiding contact with the AIDS virus.  

The university plans to hold information sessions on the prevention of AIDS for all groups on both campuses. In the past few months, personnel services has held seminars for residence staff, physical plant cleaning staff and campus security. An information session was also held for the board of deans; a similar session will be held for administrators on the Saint John campus. Seminars have also been held for students in the residence system and a pamphlet on AIDS has been distributed to them. Prof. Getty is now adapting that brochure for all students. On another front, Doug Smith, safety coordinator on the Fredericton campus, is planning to equip 40 first aid kits with rubber gloves and resuscitators. Three other comprehensive first aid kits will contain these items plus rubber boots and gowns. 

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