Forward by the Alumni President Peter Hughes | UNB
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100th Anniversary Edition

ALUMNI BULLETIN | Vol. 1, No. 1 | July 26, 1923 

Forward by the Alumni President Peter Hughes

ALUMNI NEWS MAGAZINE | 100th Anniversary Edition

The happy thought of enabling graduates of the University to have a more intimate knowledge of the other, brought about the very successful reunion at Encaenia this year. There, the oldest living alumnus, but one, of the University met with the youngest and with the representatives of almost all the intervening years; and all joined in pledging their support to Alma Mater.  
In the past, many graduates going out into the world have become engrossed in their professions and businesses, and have ceased to keep in touch with the University; they have known very little of what was going on in connection with it; and unfortunately, often have seemed to forget her. The reunion will help to remove that spirit of apathy and indifference. Coming as it did just after the successful resistance of the great temptation to sell our heritage for a share in the amalgamated University, the spirit of the celebration was most enthusiastic. The reunion served as an inspiration to those who were privileged to be present, and caused many to express the hope that they might be enabled to keep in closer touch in future with the several societies and with the affairs of the University.  
With the idea of satisfying this wish, and in order to spread the gospel of  
a greater future, the Alumni Society has decided to issue from time to time bulletins or announcements to members of the Society. It is hoped in this way to keep those who are separated from the centre of college activity informed of matters in which the University is interested.  
We feel that this will meet with hearty approval of our friends. The present issue will enable those who were prevented from attending the reunion exercises to know what occurred, and who were present as a record for future reference.  
If this issue of the bulletin meets with the approval of the Alumni, it is the intention to issue another after the January meeting of the Society and so from time to time as matters of importance and interest to the Society arise. Perhaps it may not be too much to hope that in the near future, this publication may aspire to larger dimensions and greater things.

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