Midterm Reminders

As we enter the midpoint of the Fall 2020 semester, we would like to share some important information with you. Please read through each section carefully. The Centre continues to provide the following regular services remotely: follow-up appointments, Learning Strategy and Assistive Technology appointments, funding application support, and advising/advocacy where needed.

Please know that you can reach out to the Centre or your Accessibility Advisor for any questions or concerns you may have regarding your accessibility needs. We are always happy to assist you and understand that the transition to Alternate Delivery methods (online) has been challenging and you may need additional supports.

There is now a hot button on our homepage that will take you to the Updates for Registered Students section of our website where important updates and reminders will be posted in case you lose track of them through email.

Important Deadlines

  • The absolute last day to drop a Fall 2020 course without academic penalty is TODAY: Monday, November 2nd by 11:59pm Atlantic Time.
  • All courses dropped after this date will result in a WF, which is a fail on your transcript.
  • If you feel you need to drop a course, please contact you Academic Advisor immediately.

Accommodation Information

  • Please ensure your course instructors have received a copy of your accommodation letter. With midterms in process and final exams around the corner, it is important your instructors have this information ahead of time.
  • The course instructor is still responsible for making amendments to online test times and providing any other testing accommodations - the Centre does not have control over this in any way.
  • Make sure you check the test times before you begin a test (if available on your testing platform). If there is any doubt, please check-in with your instructor; or
  • Please feel free to use our Testing Accommodation Reminder form to help offset some of the stress of checking in with course instructors. Details are provided in the link and there is a hot button to the form on our homepage.
  • LAW STUDENTS: Please check in with the Associate Dean and/or Linda Moore regarding your accommodations and do not use the form above.
  • If you are having difficulty receiving any of your accommodations for Alternate Delivery methods, contact you Accessibility Advisor or the office email as soon as possible!

Testing Accommodation for Face-to-Face Students

  • Only students with face-to-face courses taking place on campus will have the option to write tests at the Centre.
  • If this applies to you, you must contact the Test/Exam Coordinator, Pam Underhill, at our office email for any face-to-face tests/exams you may have on campus.
  • Students must give at least 5 business days in advance otherwise the Centre cannot provide accommodation due to the requirements of our Operational Plan and the UNB Health & Safety regulations.

Virtual Drop-In Hours

  • We will be hosting more virtual drop-in hours for November. The calendar is attached with days and times available. Click the link in the document to be brought to the Teams meeting.
  • Drop-In Hours are a space for you to ask your quick questions (15 minutes max) to one of our Accessibility Advisors at the Centre.
  • There is a hot button for drop-in hours on our homepage.

Learning Strategist

  • Students can request an appointment at any time with the Learning Strategist (LS), Janice Gange.
  • The LS provides: support with procrastination, test-taking strategies, studying prep, balancing your life/work calendar, building a schedule, effective note-taking, how to work through material independently, and to break down large assignments into easy-to-manage tasks.
  • Janice is hosting a Study Strategies Session on Wednesday, November 4th at 6pm Atlantic Time that is open to all students. Please follow this link to attend (hosted via Teams).

Assistive Technologist

  • Students can request an appointment at any time with the Assistive Technologist (AT), Kailha Winter-Smith.
  • The AT provides: intakes to review technologies that may assist your learning, note-taking solutions, review of built-in accessibility features for devices, information on e-reader and dictation software, help with OneNote, and support for ergonomic setups.
  • Kailha will be also be hosting Assistive Technology (AT) Drop-In Hours for November. Those hours are in the document enclosed and on our website.

 If you are ever in doubt, please reach out.

The sooner we know about an issue, the sooner we can help resolve it!