Impressionism: Then and Now | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Impressionism: Then and Now

3 images: Nadia Francavilla, Sibylle Marquardt, and Paul Puiford

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Forté series

Artists: Nadia Francavilla (violin/viola), Sibylle Marquardt (flute), & Paul Pulford (cello)

Our resident musician, Nadia Francavilla, does double duty in this concert by playing the violin and viola. She is joined by Sibylle Marquardt (flute) and Paul Pulford (cello) to form the Argento Collective. From Debussy and Ravel all the way to Canadian composers Harry Somers and Alice Ho, this will be an engaging musical event showcasing the transition from impressionist to expressionist movements.

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