Registrars Warrants

The Registrar’s Course Warrant (RW) allows Departments/Faculties to take advantage of the opportunity to offer a new course that the Department/Faculty was unable to include in the Faculty’s Calendar submission. 

A course may be offered on RW for one calendar year.  Following this year, an RW course may be offered on an ongoing basis pending the Department/Faculty’s next Calendar Submission.   As such, RW courses are distinctly identified within the Undergraduate Calendar under the Registrar’s Course Warrant header.

AESL3115Anthropology of Food3 ch
Few things are more important to human beings than food. Food is profoundly cultural, which makes it a topic of interest to anthropologists concerned with the comparative study of culture and society across time and space. This course introduces the theories and methods of the growing field of the anthropology of food. One the one hand, what is considered edible, what is seen as good to eat, and how it all embeds in changing ways of life that vary depending on cultural, social, economic, and political contexts. On the other hand, thinking about nutrition, energy, diet, and what is left behind opens a valuable window on societies, past and present. The course goal is a practical guide to the anthropology of food, its core ideas, and its methodologies, as a way to bring order and insight to diverse relationships with people and what they eat. These topics will be of particular interest to students from the subfields of sociocultural, biological, and archaeological anthropology, as well as from cognate disciplines.
ANTH3364Archaeology of Northeastern North America3 ch
This course will consider the archaeology of New England and Atlantic Canada from its first peopling to the period of early European contact. This course will be structured into eleven short modules designed as building blocks of regional prehistory. Each module will have at its core a series of short readings and lectures. Topics covered include: Contemporary First Nations Communities in the Northeast, Environmental context, The Palaeoindian period and the peopling of the Northeast, Early and Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, Terminal Archaic and Early Woodland, Palaeoeskimos in Newfoundland, Middle Maritime Woodland and Ancestral Beothuk, Late Maritime Woodland, European contact, and the Historical archaeology in the Northeast.
CCS4534French Cinema3 ch
Explores the history and the development of the French cinema, from the early silent or Surrealist film to the youngest generations in French filmakers.
ED5015Teaching of Spanish3 ch
This course will provide students with advanced Spanish vocabulary and grammatical structures with extensive opportunity to speak and listen to the language. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
ENGL3714Special Topics II3ch [W]
This course focuses on specialized areas of interest.
ENGL3725The Gothic Imagination3ch [W]
This course will trace the development of the Gothic imagination to focus on the roots of these traditions and examine some common elements of the literary and/or adapted Gothic.
ENGL5115Shakespeare and Ecology3 ch
This seminar will explore the Shakespeare's representations of early modern environmental problems and concepts, and relate them to contemporary ecology and ecocriticism. Weekly readings and discussions will reflect these perspectives in at least three ways. First, they will explore human interactions with the natural world, either creative or destructive, which were characteristic of Shakespeare's proto-industrial society. Second, they will survey the radical changes in human knowledge about the earth and its creatures taking place in early modern England. Shakespeare was concious of dislocations caused by deforestation, war, and human domination of animals, for example. His plays therefore present modern readers with moments that anticipate our own anxieties about environmental degradation, pollution, the proper treatment of animals, genetic engineering, species "improvement", and the creation of monocultures. Prerequisites: 6 ch ENGL; ENGL average grade B+ Co-requisites: open to students in ENGL Honours
ENGL5148African-American Literature 3 ch
A study of selected novels, plays, and poems by African-American writers, read in the contect of Great Migration: the largest demographic shift in American history, involving the flight of millions of black men and women from the segregated South. Prerequisites: 6 ch ENGL; ENGL average grade B+ Co-requisites: Open to students in ENGL Honours
ENGL5155Literature and Philosophy3 ch
In The Republic, Plato famously excluded artistis from his ideal commonwealth. Which raises the question: are the aims and procedures of literature and philosophy of literature and philosophy incompatible? If so, in what sense? Might they instead by natural allies? What might literature accomplish that philosophy can't, and vice versa?  In this course we will 1)consider works of philosophy of literary texts, 2)consider literary texts as philosophy, and 3) consider how literature may explicitly integrate philosophical works and vice versa. As we work, we will keep in mind the question of what might distinguish these fields from one another and will also ask where the distinctions may collapse. Prerequisites: 6 ch ENGL; ENGL average grade B+ Co-requisites: open to students in ENGL Honours
ENGL5156The Politics of Native North-American Literatures3 ch
This course examines the politics of identity as depicted by a range of Native North American authors over the past five decades, with an emphasis on recent texts by writers including Maria Campbell, Deborah Miranda, Peter Clair, N. Scott Momaday, Katherine Vermette, Liz Howard, and Gwen Benaway. We will read poetry, novels, short stories, and graphic novels, in conjunction with secondary crticial articles that address some of the central debates in the field Indeginous Studies. Part of our task will be consider how those designations have been produced and reinforced by writers and/or critics, and what concepts of identity, whether political, social, cultural, linguistic, or sexual, have been used to classify or define Indigenous literatures and authors. Many of the authors included in the reading list have lived both on and off the reservation/reserve and explore this hybrid perspective in their works; some of have status. Prerequisites: 6 ch ENGL: ENGL average grade B+ Co-requsuites: open to student in ENGL Honours
ENR3000Indigenous Issues and Perspectives in Natural Resources3 ch
This course introduces student students to Indigenous culture, knowledge and worldviews as these relate to both Indigenous and western traditions of natural resource management. The course will cover Indigenous understanding of their relationships with nature and a basic introduction to institutional and policy issues. The course will treat the dynamics of Indigenous institutions and how these relate to and interact with institutions of western society.
HIST1011Violence in the Early Modern World, 1400-17003 ch
Violence was at the heart of life in Europe in the early modern period. From interpersonal violence to wars between states, violence profoundly marked the lives of individuals and communities between the late Middle Ages and the Age of Enlightenment. Using a variety of sources (both visual and textual) this introductory course will consider different types of violence in relation to social, cultural, and political developments: crime and punishment, the duel and the vendetta, rebellion and war. We will focus on various changes that occured in this period - in representations of violence, forms of justice, and the role of religion and gender. This period marked the rise of the 'modern' state with its monoply of violence, as well as different forms of violence against the state, and these processes will be addressed in lectures and discussions. 
HIST1605Resist, Rebel, Revolt: A Global History of Uprisings3 ch

Explores resistance, rebellion, and revolution throughout history, from premodern insurrections to the Arab Spring. How do people overthrow their rulers? Does radical resistance require violence? Do revolutionary outcomes ever match expectations? How are the goals of revolutions implemented? Case studies may include Nat Turner's slave rebellion, the Russian Revolution, the Algerian independence struggle, Anti-Apartheid in South Africa, and African American movements for civil rights and social justice.

HIST3042Europe's High and Late Middle Ages, 1050-15203 ch

This course covers Europe from the disintegration of the Carolingian world to the eve of the Protestant Reformation (c. 1500): the so-called 'high' and 'late' Middle Ages. One central theme of the course will be the problem of Europe itself: how and when did a part of the Mediterranean Roman world and a part of its "barbarian" fringe become something like Europe, a place both culturally unified enough to talk about as a single entity, and distinct from its neighbors? We will consider the changing boundaries and centers of the European world, and the growth of those institutional structures—religious and civil—that created a European unity.

HIST3745Visual Culture and Colonialism3 ch
Examines visual culture produced in the context of colonial and imperial histories. Students will consider twentieth- and twenty-first-century interpretations of colonization from non-European perspectives. We will focus on art and film, but will also draw upon literary, political, and theoretical texts.
HIST4326Revolutionary and Loyalist Era Medicine3 ch

Explores the social, cultural, and geo-political dimensions of medicine throughout the British Atlantic World between the 1760s and the 1830s—a time of imperial expansion, revolutionary fervor, and intense warfare. It focuses on the experiences of patients and practitioners across multiple locations, including the British Isles, North America, the West Indies, and Africa. Particular attention is assigned to civilian, imperial, and military contexts during the American and French Revolutions and the Napoleonic Wars. Among other resources, this course draws upon The Loyalist Collection at the Harriet Irving Library.

HIST4635The Mediterranean from the Crusades to Napoleon 3 ch
The Great Middle Sea, the Mare Nostrum ("our sea") of the Romans, the Meditterranean has been a crossroads, and a crucible of cultures, religions, and civilizations since the dawn of history . It has divided and united three continents and their peoples- Europeans, Asians, and Africans. This course is a journey of exploration across the length and breadth of the Meditteranean world, from the sack of Constantinople by the Latin Crusades to Napoleon's invasion of Egypt. It will analyze the economic conjunctures, social mutations, religious confrontations, and political conflicts that shaped the socities bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The focus will be on the connections and exchanges as much as on the clashes of empires and ideologies, with special attention given to the worlds of Christian Europe and the Ottoman Empire from the sixteenth to Eighteenth Century. 
HIST5014Revel, Riot, Rebellion & Revolution3 ch

The so-called 'Age of Revolution,' beginning in the closing decades of the eighteenth century, is often thought of as a period of violent transition between the early modern and modern period in European history. The French Revolution above all continues to be seen as a sharp break with the past. But early modern Europe was hardly a picture of tranquility and social peace. Indeed, social hierarchies were frequently challenged and renegotiated. The desire to turn the existing social and political order on its head manifested itself in various ways, ranging from the popular Carnival to something we might characterize as 'revolution.' This course examines the various forms and manifestations of protest and revolt in early modern Europe.

PHIL3208Ecological Ethics3 ch

This courses explores key eithical issues concerning humanity's relationship to the environment. Dominant themes include deciding what has value, cireteriea for making good decisions, and moral principles for human behaviour toward the environment. Students becoem familiar with a range of perspectives and positions commonly found in Western environmental debates, as well as alternative ways to consider the issues. Emphasis is placed on how theory relates to the practice of environmental ethics. Students cultivate the skills necessary to analyze arguments, assess lines of reasoning, and articulate clearly their own ethical positions.

SOCI2575Terrorism3 ch
This course examines the social-scientific phenomenon of terrorism, which has re-emerged as a major focus of study in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The course will begin by taking an evolutionary approach to defining terrorism by grounding it in its historical roots and tracing its growth to contemporary forms of terrorism. The middle section of the course is devoted to examining the “how” and the “why” behind terrorism and political violence, paying particular attention to issues such as media coverage of terrorism, radicalization towards violence, and suicide terrorism. It then concludes with an examination of how governments combat terrorist groups, how terrorist groups eventually disengage from violence and a consideration of the future of terrorism. 
ARTS4000Advanced Arts Internship6 ch
Links formal education training with experiential education for upper level students in the Faculty of Arts. Provides work experience useful for career and professional profile of the student and brings the skill and talents of Arts students into community groups, local agencies, service organizations, non-governmental organizations, or businesses. ARTS 4000 advanced internships may include payment, stipend or salary. Will ordinarily involve full-time work. Limited enrolment, subject to approval. Students should have advanced academic standing to register. Prerequisites: at least 3 ch of experiential education (internship, practicum, research assistanship, etc.)
CLAS2653Introdution to Early Church in Rome3 ch
This course will trace the history of early Christianity at Rome in its first five centuries. From a small, largely foreign, sect in the first century, meeting primarily in house churches, Christianity became the favoured religion of the empire in the grand basilicas of the fourth century, only to be confronted the struggles and decline of Rome in the fifth and sixth centuries. By the time of the death of Gregory the Great in 604, the foundations of the medieval papacy were laid and Christianity was a dominany force in the Latin West. In addition to reading selected early Christian texts, particular emphasis will be given to the physical traces of the prescene of Christians in Rome as found in archaeological sites, chruches, and museums.
SOCI3605International Human Rights3 ch
This course aims at achieving a nuanced understanding of human rights as central normative elements of the international legal and political order, and as a basis for ethical critique of international politics and policy. Apart from historical, conceptual, theoretical, and methodological considerations, the course draws on some of the most significant contemporary themes, trends and issues in the human rights discourse within an international setting. It is meant to provide critical engagement - reflection, discussion, debate and action.
GGE4513Survey Law I 5 ch
Professional surveyors are expected to integrate legal principles, legislation and regulations within the overall framework of property boundary surveys in Canadian jurisdictions. This course explores the concepts and processes underlying the performance of cadastral surveying including land and interests in land; real property law and the role of the land surveyor; boundaries, their retracement, resetablishment, and how to resolve uncertainitesl subdivisions and consolidations; and jurisdictional boundaries.
PHIL1502Problem of Self Knowledge3 ch
Socrates once said "The unexamined life is not worth living." If self-knowledge is a necessary part of that examination, should we expect it to be the most straightforward part? Is knowledge of ourself easier to achieve than knowledge in the scientific, ethical or policy domains, just because we are more familiar with ourself? In this introductory course, we examine self-knowledge as a problem that is bound up in the larger philosophical questions of human nature, freedom, the good, the role of society in our self understanding, and the grounds for knowledge itself.
HIST3461Spying on the World: The CIA in American HIstory 3 ch
This class explores the history of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). CIA espionage and "related activities" have long remained in the shadows. Until the cold war ended the CIA rarely declassified its records. The documents available were generally those leaked to the media and the most accurate accounts were written by those who had left the agency and were argues to have had an axe to grind. All of this changed when Robert Gates become the Director of Central Intelligence. In 1990, he annnounced a new program of "openness" and promised that historians would have access to thousands of pages of previously unreleased material. Seventeen years later scholars remain divided over the success of his initiative. In ths course, we will ask whether the documents released since 1990 have dramatically changed our interpretation of the agencies history.
RCLP3051Essential Skills for Leadership3 ch
This course explores the roles, responsibilities and challenges involved in effective leadership in both community organizations and workplace settings. Emphasis is placed in experiental learning activities designed to develop leadership skills, including effective communication, team-building strategies, conflict management and strategic planning.
HIST5469The Surveillance State3 ch
This class explores the history of National Security Agency. The NSA is an American itenlligence and counter-intelligence organization responsible for the global monitoring of communications and the collection of processing of signals intelligence (SIGINT). President Harry Truman set up the NSA in 1952. Today it is probably the largest intelligence organization in the world. It employs over 60,000 people and has an annual budget of approximatley $10 billlion dollars. Until recently, very little was known about this organization. Indeed, few people were aware of its exsistence until the mid-1970s. Our task will be to illuminate the shadowy history of this organization by examining the changing ways it has been understood over the last thirty years.
GGE5522Survey Law II4 ch 3C 2*L
Advanced Canadian law affecting real property, boundaries, and surveys. Land registration systems and associated issues. Boundary descriptions and interpretation of boundary evidence. Role of the surveyor as an expert witness. Specialized topics including condominiums, water rights and boundaries, international water boundaries, and indigenous rights to land.Prerequisites: GGE 4512 and GGE 4513.
HIST5465The Cuban Missile Crisis3 ch
On October 15, 1962 the United Sttes discovered nuclear weapons on the isalnd of Cuba. Over the next thirteen days the world stoon on the brink of nuclear war. Relying on recently declassified documents and the most recent scholarships available, this course will introduce you to some of the ways scholars have approached the [hi]stories of the Cuban Missile Crisis (referred to as "the Caribbean Crisis" by the Russians and events as they unfolded, we will focus on the questions of interpretation and methodology. Seminars are designed to introduce you to the historiography of the crisis. How have historians interpreted what some scholars characterize as the most dangerous moment in Cold War history? The course will help you build the skills of critical analysis necessary to thoroughly evaluate the ways scholars historicize the past.
ADM4190Venture Assessment 6 ch
Focuses on the venture assessment process from the perspective of early stage investors. The skills students learn will be valuable within investment firms and in various other settings such as start-uos, large firms, or law, accounting, and banking firms, that seek to launch, evaluate, or support new initiatives. Students will develop a skillset that will allow them to see value by mitigating for the risks that others only see as barriers. Pre-requisites: ADM 4175 and ADM 4435.
ADM4236Case Writing in Accounting 3 ch
This elective capstone accounting course is designed to prepare students to pursue the Canadian Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation. Students with further develop financial reporting, management accounting, tax, and audit compentencies from pre-requisite courses. Using the CPA Way methodology, students will learn to research, structure, and develop comprehensive response to simulation cases, similar to what they will experience in the CPA professional education program. By the end of the course, students should be able to apply current Canadian accounting standards to a varity of situations.Prerequisites: ADM 3215, ADM 3216, ADM 3225.Co-requisites: ECON 3205, ADM 3725.
CLAS3655Early Church in Rome: Origins to Gregory the Great3 ch
A study of early Christianity at Rome from the first century to the death of Gregory the Great in 604. Particular emphasis will be given to the physical traces of the presence of Christians in Rome and to the rise to promience of the Bishop of Rome in the western church. Normally taught on location. May not be taken by students who have taken CLAS 2653.
HIST1825Nothing Civil About It: Civil Wars Since 19003 ch
This general interest course considers the phenonomenon of civil war with a particular focus on the 20th and 21st century. We will consider multiple perspectives on individual conflicts in an attempt to understand the complexities and consequences of civil war. How do such wars begin, evolve, and end? What is their impact on individuals, organzations, socieities, nations, and the world?
ESCI3233Biological Oceanography (Cross-Listed: BIOL 3633)3C
This course conisders how oceans, which cover more than 70% of the earth's surface, act as a dominant environmental force. It examines the process regulating the abundance, diversity, distribution and production of microbes, phytoplankton, zooplankton and high trophic levels. By exploring the influence of physical factors (i.e. tides, waves, upwelling, light), we will see how temporal and spatial scales are critical for understanding the living ocean.Prequisites: BIOL 2003; and CHEM 1001, CHEM 1006, CHEM 1012, CHEM 1017.
HIST3665Capitalism: From Walled to City to Wall Street3 ch
This course is a broad-based survey of capitalism that takes into account not only the evolution of economic practice and thought, but also politics, social relations, cultural change, and the natural environment. We will consider capitalism as a historically specific phenomenon, rather than something inevitable and timeless. The focus will be on the period from the origin of capitalism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to the rise of industrial capitalism in the nineteenth century, though ending with some reflections on their own, post-industrial capitalist era. Among the topics covered will be the relationship between capitalism and globalization, capitalism and imperialism (and slavery), capitalism and revolution. The course will also examine the various alternatives to capitalism (ideologies and practices), which have their own, even deeper, historical roots. There will be opportunity for lively class discussion of this controversial topic.
ECE4403Software Design Fundamentals4 ch (3C 3L)
Provides a foundation for desigining well-structured software applications using object-oriented programming. Covers data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and the principles of reuseable object-oriented design.Pre-requsites: CS 1023 and ECE 2412 (or equivalent)l; NOTE: This course may not be taken for credit by BScSwE or BCS students.
NURS1306Introduction to Helping Relationships4 ch (4C 1L)
Explores the helping relationship within nursing practice. Students will develop counseling skills. Includes required labs and/or tutorials.Prerequisites: NURS 1012
NURS3068Clinical Practicum: Community and Population Health Nursing5 ch
Applies a population health focus in community settings with diverse populations.Prerequisites: NURS 2063.Co-requisites: NURS 3065.
HIST5111The Mediterranean World in the Age of Don Quixote3 ch
Using as our guides Don Quixote's exploits and Cervantes' life, this seminar will analyse the economic conjunctures, social mutations, religious confrontations, and political conflicts that characterized the Mediterranean world during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Based on a close reading of several chapters of the two parts of Don Quixote (published in 1605 and 1615), the seminar will focus on the relations between Cervantes' history and the main transformations and events of this time, as well as on the multiple appropriations of his novel. Fernand Braudel's masterpiece, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Phillip the Second, will provide the historical framwork for the study of these topics.
NURS2217Professional Nursing Practice3 ch
Builds on the concepts of professional nursing practice gained in Practical Nurse curricula expanding knowledge and practice to the scope of the entry-level Registered Nurse. This course will focus on the communication, professional identity and social justice abilities within the BN curriculum. Particular emphasis on role transition, academic writing and evidence informed practice.
SOCI2015Introduction to the Canadian Criminal Justice System 3 ch
This course is an introduction to the Canadian Criminal Justice System (CJS). The CJS is comprised of various organizations from the federal, provincial and municipal governments who are responding to crime. This course will follow the accused through the various instances within the CJS: police, courts, prosecution, sentencing and corrections. This course will examine how the CJS operates in the Canadian context and the larger functions they serve. The overall objective is to understand the role played by CJS in Canada and develop a critical analysis of responses to crime.
SOCI3662Understanding Genocide3 ch
Violence is central in society and genocide is one of its most destructive manifestations. Genocides are perpetrated to exclude or remove a group related to ethnicity, race, political, or religious affiliations. Genocide is a crime against humanity and it manifests itself around the world. Using the Genocide Convention from the United Nations, this course will explore different types of genocide (Biological, Physical and Cultural). The overall objective is to understand what factors lead one group of people to the killing of members of another particular group.
CLAS3393Greece in the Roman World3 ch
An on-location study of the deep mark of the Romans made on ancient Greece over half a millennium of rule - colonization and urban planning, theatres, temples, villas, as well as Latin inscriptions and other material in museums. Travel costs not included in tuition.
SOCI3733Sex, Gender and Population3 ch
Learn to recognize and thoughtfully interpret the distinct concepts of sex (as a biological factor) and gender (as a social determinant) in population and health studies. Emphasis will be placed on methods to collect, manage and analyze quantitative data considering when biological differences make a difference when the social intervenes to create differences. Some background in the basic language and techniques of quantitative approaches to social science data is necessary.
ANTH3365Introduction to Archeological GIS3 ch
This course is an introduction to the use of Geographic Information Systems  with a special focus on the use of GIS in social sciences. Students will learn how to create and analyze archeological spatial data, and will become familiar with the use of Esri's ArcGIS spatial software suite.Prerequisites: ANTH 1002 (or equivalent) or permission of the instructor.
CHE5804Nuclear Chemical Processes3 ch (3C)
Actinide properties; uranium, thorium, zirconium ore extraction processes; uranium deuterium separation processes, nuclear fuel production; fuel reprocessing. Reactor constructional materials; coolant chemistry; chemical control systems. Decontamination Radioactive waste management.
CHE5744Steam Supply Systems 3 ch
Historical and descriptive introduction to boiler systems. Introduction to different boiler and nuclear reactor types. Complex Rankine cycles. Steam plan efficiencies. Energy and exergy analysis. Heat transfer in boilers and nuclear systems. Thermal transport and steam generation. Steam plant heat exchangers. Analysis of real plant data. This course requires background in Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.Prerequisites: CHE 2012 and CHE 2703 or Equiv.
ADM4197Indigenous Consumer Behaviour3 ch
Course provides an understanding of the relationship between consumer behavior and economic spending, and how this understanding can be used to estimate market sizes. The focus is on how  and spending factors can be utilized to determine economic leakage in indigenous communities. Community economic development and perspectives on how best development can be achieved, such as asset-based community development (ABCD), will also be emphasized. This project-based course is a partnership with the Listuguj Mi'gmaq Economic Development Office. An economic leakage study within an indigenous community completes the course.Prerequisite: 60 Credit Hours
ENGL2984Intro to Science Fiction3 ch [W]
An introduction to the study of literary science fiction. Students will consider some of the key historical and cultural events leading up to the period of this study (which will span approximately two hundred years, from the early nineteenth century to the later part of the twentieth century), and we will read several novels, a play, and a collection of short fiction. In addition to the reading these texts, students will examine a number of non-literary texts (including films and musical pieces) in class. Classes involve lectures, discussions, and (optional) group work; clear and effective writing as well as critical thinking and reading are emphasized and encouraged.
ANTH3526Anthropology of Death3 ch

What is death? All living things experience death, but humans are unique as we purposefully bury our dead, often with ceremony or ritual. Why is there so much variation when it comes to the dead and how they are treated, celebrated, or feared? This course explores these questions from an anthropological perspective, specifically how we define death biologically and culturally and how this definition can and does change over time.

Prerequisites: ANTH 1001 or ANTH 1002

HIST3335Intersections: Black Women in Canadian History3 ch
organizationThis course examines selected themes relating to the history of Black women in Canada, from the sixteenth to the late twentieth century. Highlighting how Canadian social and political institutions regulated Black women's livid experiences, this course will explore the historical and contemporary writings on Black Canadian women to understand their spaces of (un)belonging within the nation. This course examines a variety of historical themes including: Black-Indigenous relations, slavery, the Black press, law and criminalization, Black women's labour. immigration, and early political and social . By exploring such themes, this course hopes to unpack how meanings of gender, race, class and sexuality were produced and how they are examined by Scholars of Black Canada.
HIST3807History of the Canadian Forces, 1867-19533 ch
After sketching the period of British military responsibility, this course traces the development of Canadian defence policy and emergence of Canada's military forces from Confederation to the Korean War. The primary focus of the course is on the way in which hastily mobilized citizen armies fought the two world wars of the twentieth century and developed a high degree of professionalism in the process.
ENGL5108The Modern Middle Ages3 ch
The Middle Ages are alive, and versions of the Middle Ages are very much part of modern North American culture; purportedly medieval imagery is even exploited by the alt-right to create an aura of legitimacy for its vision. Movies such as Mel Gibson's Braveheart (1995) and Brian Helgeland's A Knight's Tale (2001, starring Heath Ledger) were box office hits, and even Star Wars has medieval roots. But what kinds of contemporary ideas are presented in this medieval packaging? And how is medieval imagery re-purposed for use in modern Western culture? After a brief introduction to selected medieval works, we will explore these questions by concentrating on nineteenth, twentieth-, and twenty-first-century British and American works (historical and satirical novels, poems, paintings, films, a Broadway musical etc) which are set in a version of the Middle Ages and/or employ medieval themes and imagery but clearly address socio-cultural and political concerns of the writers' own times (including slavery and abolition, Fascism and the Second World War, the Gulf War etc.) or which have been used in support of contemporary political goals. Note: Prior acquaintance with medieval literature is not a pre-requisite for taking this course. Prerequisites: ENGL average grade B+. Corequisites: Open to students in ENGL Honours.
HIST3808History of the Canadian Forces, 1953 - Present3 ch
This course traces the evolution of Canadian defence policy and the Canadian Forces through the Cold War and its aftermath. Special attention is paid to Canada's role in conflict zones around the world as part of the United Nations, NATO and other international coalitions, and to the often vexed relationship between Canada and its professional Armed Forces.
ENGL5807Queer Theory3 ch
This Honours seminar has not previously been offered, and like almost all of the Department's Honours seminars, it is not to be listed in the Calendar because these seminars are normally offered only once or twice and thus are not permanent additions to the curriculum. In June 2019, the Registrar, the Associate Dean of Arts (Sasha Mullally), and representatives of the English Department (John Ball and Christa Canitz) agreed that the Department would apply for a Registrar's Warrant for any such course so that a detailed course description can be displayed in the student's online registration system.
CHE5844Nuclear Safety and Reliability3 ch
The philosophy of safety design and operation of nuclear power reactors, responsibilities for safe operation. The role and place of regulatory agencies. The concept of risk, quantitative risk assessment. Methods for calculation of frequency and consequences of reactor accidents and evaluation of the safety level of a nuclear station. Case studies of past reactor accidents, lessons learned, and effect on future operation.
SOCI4585Organized Crime3 ch
This course takes a sociological and criminological approach to understanding core concepts and theories of organized crime. It will provide a familiarity with, and a conceptual overview of, the various forms and incarnations of organized crime, ranging from street gangs to highly complex and sophisticated transnational criminal organizations.
SOCI1564Social Determinants of Health 3 ch
Students will be introduced to the relationship between social equality and health, the socioeconomic gradient in health outcomes, and the structural and social forces that predispose individuals to ill health and disease. Topics may include gender and health, racialization and health, housing and health, employment and health, disability and health, environment and health, and stigmatization and health.
CE5633Construction: Advanced Technologies3 ch
Learn about tools and techniques required for analytics and visualization in modern construction engineering and management (CEM). Emphasis is on the use of mathematical and optimization/simulation modeling (e.g.  theory the and analytical hierarchy process) in combination with visualization tools to support CEM queuing decisions.
PHIL4601Philosophy of Law 3 ch
This course examines the theory of law from a philosophical perspective. Historical foci include classical (e.g., Plato and Aristotle), medieval (e.g., Sts. Augustine and Aquinas), modern (e.g., Kant, Mill and Lotze), and contemporary legal theorists (e.g., Hans Kelsen, Charles Taylor, Stephen L. Winter). Theoretical approaches to the law to be considered include idealism, empiricism, natural law, phenomenology, and pragmatism.
BA3131Creative Problem Solving3 ch (3C)
This course presents the student a structured creative problem solving process (such as the Simplexity Thinking System, Basadur 1995) as a way to discover new ideas for today’s businesses. Students will work in groups to learn and practice this process using local business problems.
BA3133Business Model Validation3 ch (3C)
This course presents the student an entrepreneurial thinking and methods process with a particular focus on how customer technology and data can be used to re-examine a company’s business models and value chain and drive customer-focused innovation.
CLAS3625Magic in the Ancient World3 ch
In this course, students will explore how peoples of the ancient Near East and Mediterranean understood certain religious practices and beliefs that we might call "magic". Sources come from the earliest invention of writing in Mesopotamia until the fall of Rome (c. 3200 BC - 530 AD). The course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of magic as an element of religion, introducing anthropological, archeological, and literary-critical methods, and asks students to apply these approaches to understanding ancient texts and objects. Many traditions examined in the course (including astrology and and prophecy) contributed to the development of much later western traditions relating to magic, some rather directly through persistent manuscript cultures including those deriving from Biblical Hebrew.
NURS2218Enhanced Decision Making in Clincal Practice3 ch
Using a case based approach across the life span, builds on assessment, data collection, pharmacotherapeutics and clinical decision making of Licensed Practical Nurses. Specific attention will be paid to the abilities of knowledge an its application and critical thinking skills of analysis within the BN curriculum. Frameworks for recognizing and responding to changes in a clients condition will be introduced (anticipatory thinking).
ARTS1001Development of Western Thought Part 13 ch
This course explores significant ideas that have helped to shape our world. Beginning with ancient texts and concluding with the era of the Renaissance, it considers the concepts of diverse thinkers and the value systems of different societies, and the interactions between them. Registration for this course is limited to students in the BA degree program. Credit may only be obtained for one of ARTS 1000, ARTS 1100 or ARTS 1001.
ARTS1002Development of Western Thought Part 23 ch
This course explores significant idea that have helped shape our world  Beginning with the era of colonial expansion and continuing into the contemporary era, it considers the concepts of diverse thinkers and and the value systems of different societies, and the interactions between them. Registration for this course is limited to students in the BA program. Credit may be obtained for only one of ARTS 1000, ARTS 1100, or ARTS 1002.
MAAC1041Media Studies and Social Media3 ch
Provides and introduction to the study of media, technology and culture through topics in social media and digital culture. In addition to course readings and writing assignments, students complete short exercises that make use of experiences with social media and digital technologies.
MAAC4025Advanced Studies in Digital Culture3 ch
Seminar exploring theoretical approaches to the study of digital cultures and technologies in media studies context. Topics and theories covered rotate from year to year.Prerequisites: 60 ch & MAAC/CCS 2021 or permission of the instructor.
BIOL2759Physiology and Pathyphysiology for Licensed Practical Nurses 3 ch
This course provides a detailed review of normal human physiology and then focuses on the pathyphysiological mechanisms underlying diseases in each organ system. This course is online and only open to students in the Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Nusing Pathway program.
CHEM1005General Chemistry Virtual Laboratory I2 ch
Topics include: measurements and statistics, inorganic and organic synthesis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, computer modeling, and molecular geometry. NOTE: WHMIS certification, required (see beginning of Chemistry courses section for details). All labs will be offered in a virtual setting and administered through D2L.
CCS3668Women and Nonviolence3 ch
Women from different religious traditions, different societies and cultures have always been involved in the struggle for a better world through nonviolent strategies. At times their efforts were underestimated or ignored. In this course we will study the contributions, activism and methods of some outstanding women who through their involvement in arts, society or culture had an impact on creating more peaceful communities and nations. From India (Kasturba Gandhi) to the United States (Yoko Ono), through Liberia (Leymala Gbowee) to Yemen (Tawakkul Karman) and Colombia (Janneth Lozano Bustos) this course will explore the theme of nonviolence from a variety of the worldviews. Open to students who have completed 30 ch of university courses or by permission of the instructor.
SOCI3668Women and Nonviolence3 ch
Women from different religious traditions, different societies and cultures have always been involved in the struggle for a better world through nonviolent strategies. At times their efforts were underestimated or ignored. In this course we will study the contributions, activism and methods of some outstanding women who through their involvement in arts, society or culture had an impact on creating more peaceful communities and nations. From India (Kasturba Gandhi) to the United States (Yoko Ono), through Liberia (Leymala Gbowee) to Yemen (Tawakkul Karman) and Colombia (Janneth Lozano Bustos) this course will explore the theme of nonviolence from a variety of the worldviews. Open to students who have completed 30 ch of university courses or by permission of the instructor.
ARTS1003Arts Lab: Essential Skills 3 ch
Arts 1003 is a one-term course open to first year Arts students. It is designed to address the specific skills Arts students need, including a sense of of purpose and belonging; reading, writing, research, and study skills; and an understanding of the nature of Arts education. Includes one lecture and one lab per week. Labs will include guided planning, writing, research, and study sessions.Corequisite: ARTS 1001.
PUB3103Practical Editing Skills3 ch (3C) [W]

This course focuses on the three key aspects of the editing process – acquiring, assessing, and revising written work – within a variety of publishing situations, including academic and technical writing, journalism, blogs, promotional/marketing materials, biography/autobiography/life writing, and more. The course examines the acquisition and assessment models used by various sectors in the publishing industry, the pros and cons of peer review, and the many factors at play in the decision to acquire or accept written work. Particular attention will be paid to the various stages of revision – from initial revision to developmental/substantive editing to copyediting to proofreading – as well as grammatical considerations and best practices generally regarding editing principles and processes. Students will practice working as different kinds of editors and develop skills to manage the editorial process. Note: Enrolment limited to 20.

HIST3611Imperial South Asia: Mughal India to the British Raj .c.3 ch
This course explores imperial South Asia from roughly the turn of the sixteenth century to roughly the turn of the nineteenth century. Beginning with an overview of the political landscape of the Indian subcontinent prior to the advent of European empires in South Asia, this course will examine the formation of the Mughal Empire, Mughal social and political structures, and Mughal relations with European empires and trading companies in India. This course will then trace the rise of the British East India Company to hegemony in South Asia, and will investigate the continuities of Mughal traditions of  and law under the early British rajsovereignty.
HIST3311Acadie in the Atlantic World: 1604 - 17633 ch

Early modern Acadie is often discussed as backwater, a remote border territory with isolated residents. Yet beyond the images of pastoral farmland and simple villagers, the pre-deportation era history of Acadians is both rich and diverse. It includes torrid family dramas, political intrigues, a witchcraft trial, and connections throughout the Atlantic world. This course will examine the development of Acadia, from the first French settlement in 1604, to its expansion, to its eventual destruction by British colonial officials, discussing the risings and upheavals that led to the community we know today as Acadie.


ANTH2304Great Discoveries in World Archaeology2304
An introduction to world archaeology for all students intersted in the origins of humans and early civilizations. The course follows an approximate chronological scheme beginning with our origin as a species, leading up to the development of agriculture, writing, and the emergence of complex societies and civilizations in the Old World and the New World. Offered online.
POLS4725Climate and Energy Policy3 ch
Examines climate and energy policy making in a variety of jurisdictions including Canada. Explores how institutions, interests, and ideas shape climate and energy policy design and implementation. Topics covered include carbon pricing, renewable energy, transportation, infrastructure, supply-side policies and climate adaptation.
GGE54103D Geographic Information Systems4 ch
Strengthen skills in 3D geospatial data processing, managing and modelling; problem-solving; and teamwork. This course is designed to follow on from GGE4423 and GGE4313. Students will gain a more profound knowledge of 3D geospatial data and learn to design appropriate pipelines for 3D geospatial data processing, managing and modelling. Theoretical concepts along with hands-on individual and team-based experiences guide the students through analysis with 3D GIS platforms.Prerequisites: GGE4423 and GGE4313.
HIST5305The History of Capitalism in Canada, 1763-19903 ch
Explores the cultural, economic, and social aspects of Capitalism in Canada from the 1763 Royal Proclamation to the 1990 "Oka Crisis". Topics include: setller colonial appropriation of Indigenous territories, global finance capitalism in Canada, resource extraction and development, and market cultures.
BIOL2038Laboratory Skills for Molecular Biology2 ch
Will build upon the theory covered in BIOL 2028 (Fall 2020) and teach the lab-based techniques that are used to investigate processes required for life from biochemical, molecular, genetic, and cellular perspectives.Prerequisites: Successful completion of BIOL 2028 (Fall 2020 offering). The Fall 2020 offering of BIOL 2028 will provide all of the necessary theory for the lab protocols performed during this short course.
PHIL3211Issues in Cyber Ethics3 ch
Examines important issues in cyber ethics including net neutrality, the use of Blockchain, war and use of autonomous weapons, information warfare. intelligence gathering, digital health and cyber bullying.
FOR4101Executive Internship 3 ch
A full-time summer placement in a professional position with an industrial, government, ENGO or community agency. Students will hone their leadership management, and supervisory skills working directly with a senior executive in an organization. The learning objectives of the placement will focus on achieving a high level of professional, attitudinal and personal development program competencies as outlined in the Faculty's Learning Outcomes. Students may register only once for this course over the the duration of of their program, and need to contact the Faculty's Student Services Coordinator for more information about registration.ENR 3002 (Applied Environmental Mgmt) or FOR 3000 (Business Mgmt and Human factors in the Forestry and Environmental Sectors).
CHE5274Re-Engineering Waste - A Chemical Enginerring Approach3 ch
Comprehensive review of current and emerging chemical processes applied for the conversion (i.e. recycling and reclamation) of the following waste materials: tires, metals, plastics, paper, and fabric into reuseable raw material sources for the production of valuable products.Prerequisites: CHE 2004 and CHE 2501.
CHEM1985General Applied Chemistry Laboratory2 ch
Intended primarily for non-science majors students. Topics include: ideal gases, heats and rates of reactions, chemical equilibria, acid-base equilibria, redox titrations, and voltaic cells. NOTE: WHMIS certification required (see beginning of Chemistry Courses) sections for details. NOTE: Credit can be obtained for only of one CHEM 1015 or CHEM 1985.Co-Requisite: CHEM 1982.
CHEM1015General Chemistry Virtual Laboratory II 2 ch
Topics include: ideal gases, heats and rates of reactions, chemical equilibria, acid-base equilibria, redox titrations, and voltaic cells. NOTE: WHMIS certification required (see beginning of Chemistry Courses section for details). NOTE: Credit can be obtained for only one of CHEM 1015 or CHEM 1985.

Co-Requisite: CHEM 1012.