Bernice and W. Stewart MacNutt Graduate Fellowship in Atlantic Provinces History
Category(s): Application to or Recommendation submitted by Department or Faculty
Department(s): History
Administration: Internal
Field: Atlantic Provinces History
Value: $1,000
Number: 1
Duration: 1 year
Awarded to an outstanding student completing the first year of the master's degree program in Atlantic Provinces History.
When a suitable first year MA student cannot be identified, the award may go to any graduate student in the MA or PhD stream researching the history of Atlantic Canada at any stage of their studies.
Apply to the Department of History
Awarding Agency: The University of New Brunswick
Apply: n/a
Deadline: n/a
Recommendation needed from faculty?: No
Citizenship: n/a
International: Yes
Gender: n/a
Campus: Fredericton
Full/Part time: Full time