The Presidents Doctoral Tuition Award
Category(s): Application to SGS Required
Department(s): Anthropology, Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Education, Electrical and Computer Engineering, English, Forestry, Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, History, Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST), Math and Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Psychology, Sociology
Administration: Internal
Field: Any
Value: Cost of tuition (excluding additional fees) for up to 3 years
Number: Variable
Duration: up to three years
These awards are to be used for recruiting outstanding doctoral students.
Apply: Nominations from GAUs to be sent to the School of Graduate Studies. Decisions to be made by an interdisciplinary committee appointed by the School of Graduate Studies.
Awarding Agency: The University of New Brunswick
Apply: n/a
Deadline: n/a
Recommendation needed from faculty?: No
Citizenship: n/a
International: No
Gender: n/a
Campus: n/a
Full/Part time: Full time