Kay and Jim Dineen Memorial Scholarship
Category(s): Application to or Recommendation submitted by Department or Faculty
Department(s): Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Administration: Internal
Field: Engineering
Value: $10,000
Number: 1
Duration: Annually
Level: Master's
Awarded to a full-time student who is entering the School of Graduate Studies for the first time and who is either a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant. The recipient will be selected by the Faculty of Engineering Graduate Committee.
Apply: There is no application procedure: All eligible applicants who have submitted complete applications to the School of Graduate Studies will be automatically considered.
Deadline: March 1.
Awarding Agency: The University of New Brunswick
Apply: n/a
Deadline: n/a
Recommendation needed from faculty?: No
Citizenship: n/a
International: No
Gender: n/a
Campus: n/a
Full/Part time: Full time