Policies and procedures

Contractors performing work on campus

If you are performing work on campus or arriving on campus, be sure to provide a quote that you adhere to the policies written by the University’s Procurement Department as follows:

  • Report to Security (located in the Athletics Centre: first building on right-hand side on entering campus) 648-5675
  • Obtain temporary parking pass from Security seek directions as to authorized parking areas – DO NOT park in loading dock area
  • Security will contact Facilities Management (648-5666). If Security is not available, a telephone is located outside Security office with an auto attendant for contractor use
  • Hot Work Permits can be obtained from Facilities Management
  • Contractor should utilize their own equipment (including ladders, fire extinguishers)
  • Contractor must adhere to all provincial safety regulations & codes
  • Contractor should acquire a purchase order prior to commencing any work unless emergency work is required
  • Contractor is required to provide proof of WHSCC clearance certificate (letter of good standing) prior to commencing work
  • Contractor is required to provide proof of General Liability Insurance in the amount of $2,000,000
  • Contractor is required to provide proof of Automobile Insurance in the amount of $2,000,000
  • Contractor must notify Facilities Management Electrician prior to commencing electrical work
  • Contractor must read and sign “Asbestos notification and acknowledgement” prior to commencing work on campus
  • Contractor is responsible to clean up work area upon completion of work
  • Should work being performed require the entry to a class room or office it is IMPERATIVE that the door be locked upon departure
  • Daily time slips should be turned in to Facilities Management office
  • All Facilities Management personnel can be reached via cell through the Facilities Management office located in the Facilities Management Building

Room and lab entry

Frequently, Facilities Management personnel have a requirement to enter a locked room. This requirement could be for maintenance, access to materials or simply visual inspection of the room.

The general procedure for all personnel is to contact a departmental representative to notify them that entry to the room is required. It is also important to note any special instructions that may be listed on the room/lab door prior to entrance.

Cautionary notes placed on the door may indicate experiment or research is in progress and/or hazardous chemicals/materials are in use. The observance of chemical spills, broken beakers, etc. should immediately be reported to the room or department supervisor.