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Faculty of Arts
UNB Fredericton

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Graduate studies in political science

The Department of Political Science’s graduate program is small enough to allow students to be treated as individuals and to have close contact with faculty, yet large enough to offer a diverse, active intellectual community spanning both campuses.

Graduate studies in political science at the University of New Brunswick provide students the opportunity to read widely, think deeply and critically about political issues, and develop their scholarly voices. Graduate students are encouraged to explore both applied, “real world” political problems and the theoretical and conceptual tools that political science can bring to bear on these problems.

Global careers

Graduates of UNB's Master of Arts in Political Science have built their careers locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Some have gone on to doctoral programs, law school and other professional programs.

Others have embarked on careers with:

  • government
  • international organizations
  • non-profit organizations
  • public service groups

Financial assistance

Financial assistance is awarded by the University of New Brunswick on the basis of merit and need in the form of:

  • Teaching assistantships
  • Research assistantships
  • Scholarships

Funding cannot be guaranteed to all students, and may not cover the full cost of graduate study, particularly for international students. Therefore, all applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for all external funding opportunities for which they are eligible.