Kelly Scott-Storey

Professor and Assistant Dean


Nursing, Faculty of

MacLaggan Hall 115F

1 506 458 7631

Other titles

  • Assistant Dean 4 Year Undergraduate Nursing Program & UNB-Humber Collaborative
  • Director of Community Research, Scholarship and Teaching, FDCHC


  • PhD (Interdisciplinary) – University of New Brunswick, 2013
  • Master of Nursing – University of New Brunswick, 2007
  • Bachelor of Nursing – University of New Brunswick, 1999

Areas of interest

  • Violence, gender and health
  • Interventions for women experiencing IPV
  • Conceptualization, operationalization and methodological approaches to studying cumulative lifetime violence

Technology development

App for women experiencing intimate partner violence: Available for download at the App Store or Google Play in early Spring 2022

Funded research grants and contracts

Co-Principal Investigator. An Evidenced-Based Health Promotion Intervention (iHEAL) for Women Experiencing IPV: Implementation in Diverse Contexts, Evaluation and Scale-Up. Public Health Agency of Canada(PHAC) ($2,019,833; 2022-2025). Co-PIs: Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe (Western University), Dr. Colleen Varcoe (University of British Columbia).

Co-Principal Investigator. Variation in Men's Health by Cumulative Lifetime Violence Severity and Social Determinants of Health: A Longitudinal Exploratory Study. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($776,476; 2021-2026). Co-PI: Dr. Sue O’Donnell. Co-investigators: Dr. David Busolo, Dr. Enrico DiTomasso, Dr. Petrea Taylor, & Dr. Judith Wuest.

Co-Principal Investigator. Developing a Canadian Health and Safety Mobile App for Women Experiencing IPV. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC); Preventing and Addressing Family Violence –the Health Perspective. ($101,929; 2021- 2024). Co-PIs: Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Dr. Colleen Varcoe, Dr. Nadine Wathen.

Co-Principal Investigator. Variation in Men's Health by Cumulative Lifetime Violence Severity and Social Determinants: A Longitudinal Exploratory Study. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF) ($34,409; January 2020- September 2021). Co-PI: Dr. Sue O’Donnell (University of New Brunswick); Co-Investigators: Dr. Judith Wuest, Dr. Petrea Taylor, Dr. David Busolo, Dr. Enrico DiTommaso (University of New Brunswick).

Co-Principal Investigator. Cumulative Lifetime Violence and Men's Health Promotion Processes: A Grounded Theory Photovoice Study. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF) ($34,973; November 2019- May 2021). Co-PI: Dr. Sue O’Donnell (University of New Brunswick); Co-Investigators: Dr. Judith Wuest, Dr. Petrea Taylor, Dr. David Busolo (University of New Brunswick).

Co-Principal Investigator. iHEAL in context: Testing the Effectiveness of a Health Promotion Intervention for Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC Supporting Health of Victims of Domestic and Child Abuse through Community Programs). Total Funding: $3,050,674; 2016-2021. PIs: Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe (Western University), Dr. Colleen Varcoe (University of British Columbia) and Dr. Kelly Scott-Storey (University of New Brunswick).

Co-Principal Investigator. Effectiveness of an Internet-Based Decision Aid in Enhancing Safety Behaviors, Reducing Exposure to Violence and Improving Mental Health Among Women. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant ($959,651; 2012 – 2022*). Principal Investigators: Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe (Western), Dr. Colleen Varcoe (UBC), Dr. Judy Wuest (UNB) and Dr. Kelly Scott-Storey (UNB). Co-Investigators: Dr. Nadine Wathen (Western), Dr. Nancy Glass (John Hopkins), Dr. Harriet MacMillian (McMaster), Dr. Leanne Currie (UBC), Dr. Marilyn Hodgins (UNB) and Dr. Marianne Noh (University of Toronto). (*Extension granted until March 31, 2022 due to COVID-19).

Co-Principal Investigator (Lead). Masculinities, Lifetime Violence and Health. CIHR Operating Grant ($383,675; 2014-2022*). Principal Investigators: Dr. Kelly Scott-Storey, Dr. Judy Wuest, & Dr. Sue O’Donnell. Co-Investigators: Dr. Judith MacIntosh, Dr. Marilyn Hodgins, and Prof. Marilyn Merritt-Gray. (*extension given until September 2022 due to COVID-19).

Co-Investigator. Testing the performance of the CASR-SF among Canadian Adults who have experienced intimate partner violence. Public Health Agency of Canada ($46,893; January 2019- 2020). Project Team Leads: Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe (University of Western Ontario) and Dr. Nadine Wathan (University of Western Ontario); Project Team: Dr. Colleen Varcoe (University of British Columbia); Dr, Nancy Perrin (John Hopkins University); Dr. Harriet MacMillan (McMaster University), Dr. Kelly Scott-Storey (University of New Brunswick); Dr. Sue O’Donnell (University of New Brunswick).

Co-Principal Investigator. Cognitive Testing of the CASR-SF for Men. Public Health Agency of Canada Contract ($11,891; January 15, 2018- April 30, 2018). Project Team Leads: Dr. Sue O’Donnell and Dr. Kelly Scott-Storey and (University of New Brunswick). Project Team: Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe (Western University), Dr. Colleen Varcoe (University of British Columbia), Dr. Nadine Wathan (University of Western Ontario) and Dr. Harriet MacMillan (McMaster University).

Co-Principal Investigator. Applicability and Fit of the CASR-SF for Men. Public Health Agency of Canada Contract ($24,068; February 15, 2017- May 31, 2017). Project Team Leads: Dr. Kelly Scott-Storey and Dr. Sue O’Donnell (University of New Brunswick). Project Team: Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe (Western University), Dr. Colleen Varcoe (University of British Columbia).

Co-Investigator. Development of a Short Version Composite Abuse Scale for National Surveys. Public Health Agency of Canada ($24,789; November 2015-March 2016). Project Team: Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe (University of Western Ontario), Dr. Colleen Varcoe (University of British Columbia); Dr. Nadine Wathan (University of Western Ontario), Dr. Harriet MacMillan (McMaster University) and Dr. Kelly Scott-Storey (University of New Brunswick).

Principal Investigator. Lifetime Violence, Gender, and Health Among Women. University Research Fund Award. [$7,000; 2014- 2015].

Co-Principal Investigator (Lead). Masculinities, Lifetime Violence Exposure, and Health. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF) Operating Grant ($20,000; 2013- 2014). Principal Investigators: Dr. Kelly Scott-Storey & Dr. Judy Wuest. Co-Investigators: Dr. Judy MacIntosh, Dr. Marilyn Hodgins, Prof. Marilyn Merritt-Gray, Marilyn, & Dr. Sue O’Donnell.


Scott-Storey, K. O’Donnell, S., Vincent, C., Malcolm, J., & Wuest, J. (2023) Cumulative lifetime violence, gender role conflict, and cardiovascular disease risk in eastern Canadian Men, American Journal of Men’s Health, 17.

Scott-Storey, K., O'Donnell, S., Perrin, N., & Wuest, J. (2023). Cumulative lifetime violence, gender, social determinants of health and mental health in Canadian men: A latent class analysis. Journal of Family Violence. (Feb.9).

Scott-Storey, K., O’Donnell, S., Busolo, D., DiTommaso, E., Malcolm, J., Taylor, P., Vincent, C., & Wuest, J. (2022). Cumulative lifetime violence severity, social determinants and anxiety in a national sample of Canadian men. BMC Psychiatry, 22, 265.

Scott-Storey, K., O'Donnell, S., Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Wathen, N., Malcolm, J., & Vincent, C. (2022). What about the men? A critical review of men’s experiences of intimate partner violence. Journal of Trauma, Violence & Abuse, January.

Taylor, P. L., O'Donnell, S., Wuest, J., Scott-Storey, K., Vincent, C., & Malcolm, J. (2021). The mental health effects of cumulative lifetime violence in men: Disruptions in the capacity to connect with others and finding ways to reengage. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 8, 1-16.

Wuest, J., O’Donnell, S., Scott-Storey, K., Malcolm, J., Vincent, C. & Taylor, P. (2021). Cumulative lifetime violence severity and chronic pain in a community sample of Canadian men. Pain Medicine, 22 (6), 1387-1398.

Scott-Storey, K., O'Donnell, J., & Wuest, J., MacIntosh, J., & Merritt-Gray, M. (2020). The Cumulative Lifetime Violence Severity scale: Development and initial testing among men. BMC Public Health, 20(418): 1-14.

Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Scott-Storey, K., Perrin, W., Wuest, J., Whathen, N., Case, J., & Glass, N. (2020). Longitudinal impacts of an online safety and health intervention for women experiencing intimate partner violence: Randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 20(260): 1-17.

O'Donnell, S., Scott-Storey, K., Wuest, J., Malcolm, J., Taylor, P., & Vincent, C. (2020). Patterns of correlates of cannabis use by cumulative lifetime violence severity in a community sample of eastern Canadian men. Journal of Cannabis Research, 2(14): 1-17.

Scott-Storey, K., Hodgins, M., & Wuest, J. (2019). Modeling the effects of lifetime abuse as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease among women. Journal of BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 19(223): 1-14.

Scott-Storey, K., O’Donnell, S. & Wuest, J. (2018). Cumulative lifetime violence: Does it make a difference to the health of Canadian men? International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health, 1, e22-e39.

Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Scott-Storey, K., Wuest, J., Case, J., Currie, L., Glass, N., Hodgins, M., MacMillan, H., Perrin, N., & Wathen, N. (2017). A tailored online safety and health intervention for women experiencing intimate partner violence: The iCAN Plan 4 Safety randomized controlled trial protocol. BMC Public Health, 17, 273-284.

Ford-Gilboe, M., Wathen, N., Varcoe, C., MacMillan, H., Scott-Storey, K., Mantler, T., Hegarty, K., & Perrin, N. (2016). Development of a brief measure of intimate partner violence experiences: The Composite Abuse Scale (Revised) - Short Form (CASR- SF). BMJ Open, 6, e012824.

Wuest, J., Merritt-Gray, M., Dube, N., Hodgins, M., Malcolm, J., Majerovich, J., Scott- Storey, K., Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C. (2015). The Process, Outcomes and Challenges of Feasibility Studies Conducted in Partnership with Stakeholders: A Health Intervention for Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. Research in Nursing and Health.

Davies, L., Ford-Gilboe, M., Willson, A., Varcoe, C., Wuest, J., Campbell, J., Scott-Storey, K. (2015). Patterns of Cumulative Abuse among Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Links to Women’s Health and Socioeconomic Status. Journal of Violence Against Women, 21(1), 30-34.

Scott-Storey, K. (2013). Abuse as gendered risk factor for cardiovascular disease: A conceptual model. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 28(6), E1-E8.

Scott-Storey, K. (2011). Cumulative abuse: Do things add up? An evaluation of the conceptualization, operationalization, and methodological approaches in the study of the phenomenon of cumulative abuse. Journal of Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 12(3), 135-150.

Scott-Storey, K., Wuest, J., & Ford-Gilboe, M. (2009). Intimate partner violence and cardiovascular risk: Is there a link? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(10), 2186-2197.

Reports produced

O’Donnell, S., Scott-Storey, K., Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Wathen, N., MacMillan, H., & Malcolm, J. (2018). Cognitive testing of the Composite Abuse Scale Revised-Short Form among men. Submitted to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Population Health Promotion and Innovation Division. Contract #4500373009

Scott-Storey, K., O’Donnell, S., Ford-Gilboe, M., & Varcoe, C. (2017). The applicability and fit of the CASR-SF from men. Submitted to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Population Health Promotion and Innovation Division. Contract #4500357652

Ford-Gilboe, M., Wathen, N., Varcoe, C., MacMillan, H., Scott-Storey, K., Perrin, N., Mantler, T., Hegarty, K., & Hammerton, J. (2016). Development of a short version Composite Abuse Scale for national surveys. Submitted to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Population Health Promotion and Innovation Division. Contract #4500338445.

Scott-Storey, K. & Scott, J. M. (2004). Proposal for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention Services in Region 3 Health Corporation. Department of Health, Province of New Brunswick. (*Successfully Funded Cardiac Rehabilitation Program).

Other scholarly work

Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., & Scott-Storey, K. (2020). Release of the myPlan Canada App. This mobile App is free and readily available to all women in Canada. The App is for women who have experienced intimate partner violence and is a personalized safety and health decision aid; this app is the outcome of the iCAN study. This work is in collaboration with our global partners and lead by Dr. Nancy Glass from John Hopkins University.

Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Scott-Storey, K., Wathen, N. (2020). Co-developing a website for violence, gender and health national research collaborative. Currently under development: Prototype has been outlined, designers have been working on the images and graphics and researcher are building the content.

Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., & Scott-Storey, K. (2018). Intervention for Health Enhancement and Living (iHEAL): Intervention Manual. This intervention manual is a 216 page document used to support the Public Health Agency of Canada funded iHEAL project/program.

Varcoe, C., Ford-Gilboe, M., & Scott-Storey, K. (2018). iHEAL Practice Guide for Nurses. This 200 page practice guide manual has been developed to support nurses in delivering the iHEAL intervention.

Scott-Storey, K., Ford-Gilboe, M., & Varcoe, C. (2018). iHEAL Women’s Workbook. This 66 page workbook was developed for women engaged in the iHEAL project and is intended to assist women to work through the various tools and activities of the intervention in collaboration with a nurse.

Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., & Scott-Storey, K. (2018). On-line learning modules for nurses working within the iHEAL framework. Eight interactive on-line modules hosted on LearnDash.

Scott-Storey, K. (2018). Conceptualized, designed and developed an Electronic Health Record to be used in the national iHEAL study. Currently in use in British Columbia, Ontario and New Brunswick.