Richard Cho

Associate Professor


Business, Faculty of

Oland Hall 221

Saint John
1 506 653 2042

Richard K. Cho is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Business in the Operations and Information Management (OIM) Area.

Dr. Cho received his Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the University of Waterloo (2002), an M.Sc. in Management Sciences from the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (1987), and a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from Seoul National University (1985).

Earlier in his career, Dr. Cho worked for Samsung Electronics as a software engineer and a marketing analyst for overseas markets. While there, he participated in a cooperative development project for DRAM products among Korean semi-conductor companies (mainly Samsung, LG and Hyundai). He has also been involved in a variety of other business ventures and ran his own business in Korea. Prior to joining UNB Saint John, Dr. Cho taught at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, and at the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University in Indiana, USA.

Dr. Cho has a record of extensive service with the Faculty and the University. He has been a main faculty advisor of the Golden Key International Honour Society, UNB Saint John Chapter since 2005. He has served as a UNB Senator, as the chair of the Senate Admissions Committee, and as the member of several senate committees including the student appeals committee, curriculum committee, and non-credit curriculum committee. He has been an Operations and Information Management group representative for the faculty curriculum committee and is a member of Graduate Academic Unit.

Dr. Cho teaches courses in Supply Chain Management & Logistics (BA 4653), Production & Operations Management (BA 3653), Management Sciences (BA 3623), and Business Decision Analysis (BA1605 & BA2606) at the undergraduate level. He also teaches Operations and Information Management courses in the MBA program. Dr. Cho’s research encompasses the supply chain management, logistics, inventory and game theory. He received two SSHRC (The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) research grants in 2008, and has published research papers in top peer-reviewed journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, International Journal of Production Economics, IIE Transactions, and European Journal of Operational Research.

He regularly reviews journal papers, SSHRC & NSERC grant applications and textbooks. In 2011, he served on the national adjudication committee for SSHRC’s first round of the Insight Development Grants funding (in the area of Business and Management, Economics and related fields).

Dr. Cho joined the Faculty of Business in 2005.

Selected publications

JY, L. & Cho, R. (2018). Optimal (z, Z)-type contracts for vendor-managed inventory. International Journal of Production Economics, 202 (C), 32-44.

Supply chain coordination in vendor-managed inventory systems with stockout-cost sharing under limited storage capacity, 2016, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 248, Issue 1, 1 January 2016, Pages 95-106 (with JY lee and SK Paik)

Contracting for vendor-managed inventory with consignment stock and stockout-cost sharing, 2014, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 151, pp.158-173 (with J. Lee)