Letter from UNB Alumni President Jennifer Sutherland Green | UNB
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Fall 2023

President's Letter

UNB Alumni President Jennifer Sutherland Green



I am so pleased to be writing to you as president of the UNB Associated Alumni and want to extend my sincere thanks to outgoing president Jill Jeffrey (BPE’82, BEd’83) for her leadership over the last two years.

Completing my law degree at UNB in 1999 changed how I look at the world and laid the foundation for my continued involvement with the university. I first joined the UNB Associated Alumnae as president, representing women graduates and former women students of the university. Throughout my many years of volunteer involvement with the Alumnae Council, I became progressively more passionate about UNB and inspired by the innovative impact it has on our community, province and beyond. I served on the Alumnae Council for nine years and have been a member of the Alumni Council since 2018.

One of the highlights of my time as an alumni ambassador has been being part of the surprise presentation of the UNB Alumni Legacy Award to this year’s recipient. I am thrilled to have begun my term as president during a time of both reflection and excitement for what’s to come for UNB.

As you would have read in the last issue of this magazine, 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of Alumni News and a century of telling the stories of our remarkable alumni, students, faculty, and staff. This anniversary is a great point of pride for me and the association, and it’s been very encouraging to read in the anniversary issue, how UNB has contributed to significant growth over the last 100 years.

I am excited about the future of UNB and the remarkable changes that will take shape throughout the decades to come. As one of my first official duties as president, it was a pleasure to welcome our newest graduates into the proud alumni family this October at fall Convocation. I know I will continue to be inspired by the accomplishments and community  contributions of our new grads. During this ceremony, it was also a great honour to be involved in the installation of UNB’s seventh modern-day chancellor, H. Wade MacLauchlan (LLB’81).

As I look ahead to my goals over the next two years, my priorities will be looking at how we do things in this new reality we find ourselves in where some people are anxious to get back out into the world and attend events in person while others still very much want to be involved but would prefer to engage virtually. I’m looking forward to celebrating with our alumni community over the coming months during our many chapter gatherings, virtual events and Proudly UNB Awards.

I feel fortunate to be part of such an inspiring network and hope to connect with you during my term as president.

Jennifer Sutherland Green (LLB'99)
UNB Associated Alumni President