Physics Courses

PHYS6006MSc Seminar
Course Desc
PHYS6010Classical Mechanics and Field Theory6 ch
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PHYS6011Classical Mechanics and Field Theory3 ch
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PHYS6012Classical Mechanics and Field Theory3 ch
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PHYS6020Electromagnetic Theory and Applications6 ch
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PHYS6021Electromagnetic Theory and Applications6 ch
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PHYS6022Electromagnetic Theory and Applications3 ch
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PHYS6030Selected Topics in Experimental Physics6 ch
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PHYS6031Selected Topics in Experimental Physics3 ch
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PHYS6032Selected Topics in Experimental Physics3 ch
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PHYS6040Statistical Physics6 ch
Course Desc
PHYS6041Advanced Statistical Mechanics3 ch
In this advanced course in Statistical Mechanics a thorough review of undergraduate topics in Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics will be conducted. This will include a review of Thermal Physics, principles of physical statistics, systems of non-interacting classical and quantum particles described by Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, respectively. Applications to ideal gases, electrons and phonons in solids, and black-body radiation will be treated. An approximate treatment to non-ideal gases will be introduced. First and second-order phase transitions will be introduced. Complex models like the Ising model will be studied and a brief introduction to Renormalization Group analysis will be exposed. The fluctuation-Dissipation theorem will be reviewed for gases in thermal equilibrium, and a brief introduction to systems away from thermodynamic equilibrium will be discussed. Time-permitting, basic notions of ergodicity, chaos and quantum chaos will be covered.
PHYS6042Statistical Physics3 ch
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PHYS6050Solid State Physics6 ch
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PHYS6051Solid State Physics3 ch
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PHYS6052Solid State Physics3 ch
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PHYS6060Nuclear Physics6 ch
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PHYS6061Nuclear Physics3 ch
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PHYS6062Nuclear Physics3 ch
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PHYS6070Spectroscopy6 ch
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PHYS6071Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6072Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6080Quantum Mechanics6 ch
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PHYS6081Quantum Mechanics3 ch
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PHYS6081Quantum Mechanics3 ch
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PHYS6082Quantum Mechanics3 ch
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PHYS6090Biophysics6 ch
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PHYS6091Biophysics6 ch
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PHYS6092Biophysics3 ch
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PHYS6106PhD Seminar
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PHYS6120Selected Topics in Advanced Physics6 ch
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PHYS6121Selected Topics in Advanced Physics3 ch
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PHYS6122Selected Topics in Advanced Physics3 ch
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PHYS6170Optical Spectroscopy6 ch
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PHYS6171Optical Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6172Optical Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6180Advanced Quantum Theory6 ch
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PHYS6181Advanced Quantum Theory3 ch
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PHYS6182Advanced Quantum Theory3 ch
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PHYS6270Microwave Spectroscopy6 ch
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PHYS6271Microwave Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6272Microwave Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6370Infrared Spectroscopy6 ch
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PHYS6371Infrared Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6372Infrared Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6470NMR Spectroscopy6 ch
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PHYS6471NMR Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6472NMR Spectroscopy3 ch
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PHYS6996Master's Reportcr
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PHYS6997Master's Thesiscr
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PHYS6998PhD Thesiscr
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